Ski The East's season wrap up

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Ski The East's season wrap up

Man, we already knew this but these are some horrible snowfall numbers:
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Re: Ski The East's season wrap up

Benny Profane
Hey, a new site! Or, new to Benny, at least. thanks.
funny like a clown
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Re: Ski The East's season wrap up

In reply to this post by ml242
Yea wow is right.

To me the most notable numbers:

Amazing that Bolton only got 159 inches.

It the crappiest season in forever Jay Peak got over 250 = seasonal average for Killington.

I wonder what Kmart did?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Ski The East's season wrap up

It says that K got 152. The most surprising to me is easily magics 65" - down 2/3 of average whereas most people were at 1/3 off. Whiteface was surprisingly skiable late season with their 129. There was a lot of snow up there.
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Re: Ski The East's season wrap up

ml242 wrote
The most surprising to me is easily magics 65" - down 2/3 of average whereas most people were at 1/3 off.
My theory is that the more you depend on synoptic snows (vs upslope) the more you were down on a percentage basis.

Gore gets zero upslope, and was at 80 vs 150 in a "normal" year.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Ski The East's season wrap up

In reply to this post by ml242
that is sobering. it was a funny season though- in spite of the fact that nearly everyone was working on developing their base virtually all season- if you could storm chase, you could get some pow days in- had a couple of good ones in the east.
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Re: Ski The East's season wrap up

Peter Minde
In reply to this post by ml242
Man, I hope we don't have any more winters like this one.  There seemed to be plenty of natural snow from Stowe VT north for cross country, but that's too far to travel every weekend from NJ.

I'd be curious to know how many of these places had to deal with a water usage limit for snowmaking.  Craftsbury VT ran up a water usage limit in March.