Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

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Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

Some friends just got married. They're doing a honeymoon vacation this month so this trip isn't intended to replace that, but rather to get them on skis because they enjoyed it the one time they went in New Mexico last year.

Target date would be early December (so the dude can knock off some rust and then hit some bumps later this year with me, obviously) to keep things cheap.

They would be leaving from Brooklyn and she isn't a big skier, and he hasn't done much since he was a kid but I get the sense he is probably pretty good. But, they may like some stuff to do other than schuss and would probably prefer to be on the hill or in a village seeing as they're public transport taking new yorkers and like restaurants and all that.

Whiteface and Gore are both in play, I don't really know the lodging stock up there though - they aren't looking to sleep in a leanto in the park like I would - Is there any slopeside? Stowe would be ideal but too spendy/far for me. Jay would be perfect and I'm kind of dreaming of sending them to the waterpark and reliable snow - but maybe a little far.

Stratton+Snow are blah but could fit the bill I suppose. Too early in the season for the Catskills.

I'd like to keep the total to $400 including lift/lodging, and a short(er) drive. Is this doable? Any recommendations?
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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

Stratton is first choice - slopeside, good early snow making, high base elevation, closer to NYC, pretty decent food and bev in the base village.
Mt Snow - 2nd choice, Okemo a distant 3rd choice- why bother to drive 45 minutes past Stratton.
I would skip Gore/WF so early and neither has slopeside
Stowe and Jay are a haul for a weekend.

You want his wife to like it and not think it is a chore. Stratton fits the bill. It might be blah for you but it won't be for them. No need to head to N VT when you can fit their needs in S VT.
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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

I agree with Stratton and everything X said.  Jay/Stowe too far, Gore/WF no slope side.  Stratton is insanely expensive but in early December you might be able to put together a package stay for the price you have in mind.  Good luck!
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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

Agree with Stratton for what you are looking for. Just avoid the liftline lodge - the prices can be attractive but it's not worth it. There are also some nice B&Bs nearby although that's clearly not slopeside.

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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by ml242
Does it have to be so early season? I guess the best bet is Killington, just to guarantee snow conditions.  Stratton would be good, but Southern Vermont is hit or miss with weather that early. Killington would get you up a little further north and a little further in Elevation.

Also, the drive from Brooklyn to Vermont will probably not be a picnic for people who aren't big skiers. Why not Hunter?Like you said, probably too early in the season, but good snowmaking system and slopeside lodging.

The problem is "Early December". You're looking at a time when almost every mountain has 8-10 trails open. Killington (and sometimes Mt. Snow) usually has in the 40s.  Significant difference, especially for a relative beginner who would prefer some space while she's learning.

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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

Def check out WF.  Early Dec this season will be great.  I can feel it in my bones.

There is no slopeside but there is public transportation from LP and LP has some awesome village appeal.  Check out the Mirror Lake Inn ski packages.  Now that would be quite the gift!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

I agree with Scotty that Lake Placid would be a very nice gift.  The town is the best followed by Stowe in my book in the East for best town.  

Since they are still in the growth stage why not add a lesson to your gift package to boost their enjoyment of the sport.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

A lesson is in order, I agree.

To all other commenters, - I agree, December is early but I'm hoping to save some money and get them out a few more times this season. If I waited for spring deals, those turns could go to waste. If they have fun, maybe that  can get 10ish days in.

Most of the mountains websites are not geared to sell in summer, it's actually pretty embarrassing.
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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

early december is an awesome time for whiteface.  as scotty said, you dont need slopeside because there is a free shuttle that picks up and brings back to town. Slopeside is gay and ugly.  U can work right with the hotel on a ski and stay, its the cheapest way rather than buying ala carte.  Mirror lake inn  has awesome early dec deals.  Nothing up on website, but you can call.  U could even do a mid week for even less.  Its worth it as long as you think they'' be able to get work off.
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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

rates on hotels in LP to not hike up until week before christmas.  nov-early dec is relatively cheap.
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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
Since they are still in the growth stage why not add a lesson to your gift package to boost their enjoyment of the sport.
Get them an early group lesson, chances are it'll be semi-private that early in season.
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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

70s Gore Kid
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Syracuse, NY
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Re: Ski and Stay Suggestions for a wedding gift

If Lake Placid Lodge or Mirror Lake Inn are beyond your budget, the Crowne Plaza has some beautiful rooms and suites in their Adirondack Wing.  You get a nice view of the Lake from up there, and it's within walking distance to main street and the shuttle stops right there.