Ski cabin

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Ski cabin

I saw this house in DC at the solar decathlon. Although intended as a full time house, it also struck me as a real nice ski cabin for the north country. A metal roof, 12 inch thick walls and moderate square footage all seem very practical where it gets cold and would keep heating costs low. I forgot to ask about keeping the snow off the solar panels, so that aspect of the house might not be so practical  without someone there full time.

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Re: Ski cabin

Banned User
TomCat wrote
 I forgot to ask about keeping the snow off the solar panels, so that aspect of the house might not be so practical  without someone there full time
True. Some people round here put the panel arrays on the ground. Sure would suck climbing up to the roof to clean them off after every storm.

Maybe they're slick/smooth enough the snow tends to slide off.

They had an idea on there to help AC costs. I've often wondered if a large steel tank, filled with water, buried deep underground on the house's northside, couldn't cheaply cool alot of homes via a heat exchanger.
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Re: Ski cabin

In reply to this post by TomCat
That's my kinda house. Steeper roof would help with the snow.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Ski cabin

If the solar panels are at the proper angle it should not matter. You will generate less electricity in the winter. Solar water heating is far more efficient. The combination of the two is all you need.
Maine Solar House