Ski day screw-ups

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Re: Ski day screw-ups

Adk Jeff
ScottyJack wrote
but have you ever watch someone burn the gortex off the back of their pants?  people even said your pants are smoking and I was all that's just the steam from them drying out..... OMG, I burned my pants!
I think we have a winner, folks.
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

Yeah that's impressive
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

In reply to this post by ScottyJack

Did any chicks tell you that you had a hot ass...literally? Did you stop, drop and roll?
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

a number of ladies including my wife were commenting loudly about the smoke billowing up behind me...  I didn't burst into flames.  Just a fast burn of the outer layer revealing some cotton like fill material. It was somewhat embarrassing, yes..

I tried to "minimize it" by attempting to stealthily walk across the crowded deck, but quickly realized I just had to acknowledge that I had just burned off the back of my ski pants to stop the embarrassment...
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Ski day screw-ups


Sounds like the I just shit my pants walk, lol
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
No, nothing will beat burning the ass off your pants.  Winner......or weiner?

I suffered through my brother's screw up at Ski Sundown (CT) one year.  They run a mogul comp every year (at least they did), amateurs included, and we went.  He drove.  End of day guess what?  No keys.  He put them in his jacket pocket (bad idea) and didn't zip said pocket (worse idea).  Long night getting home, involving (waiting a long time for) a cab to Hartford to pick up a rental car so we could drive home.  At least I didn't have to drive back with him the next day to get his car!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

Some times I feel like its not a ski trip if I don't forget or lose something. My last trip to Platty I left my vest home; no biggie cause I had a jacket; that same day I brought my son to mt Peter and actually left his skis at home. The mountain bailed me out there. Then last week I misplaced my camera some where between skiing and driving home; went to lost-n-found and still hoping they'll bail me out again but probably not.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
stood to close to fire pit on WF base lodge deck and burned the back of my ski pants off from my ass to my boots!  

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Re: Ski day screw-ups

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Would rate those dumbasses with having a combined IQ score of 10, tops.

"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

I hope someone listened to the podcast i put on the first page, it's a great story.

Here's a silly one I had last year, I guess I'll share.

Late in the afternoon I decide to go for a skin in the greens to ski a zone that's just virgin forest, descents are steep but short, 1200-1500 ft. You kind of have to get lucky because it's a big hike in, and routefinding can be problematic. Finally I find a gully that looks primed, if thwacky. No worries, that's what goggles and helmets are for.

Except this time, I reached into my bag and no goggles.

Shit, I was staring at a long ski with no goggles, it was getting close to dark, and how was I going to do this?

Anyway, I skied really carefully keeping my eyes inside my head, and make the long trek out in the dark (always a scary nameless valley to be in).

Finally get back to the car, reach into my pack to grab some water and... what's this? my goggles. in my bag the whole time.
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
a number of ladies including my wife were commenting loudly about the smoke billowing up behind me...  I didn't burst into flames.  Just a fast burn of the outer layer revealing some cotton like fill material. It was somewhat embarrassing, yes..

I tried to "minimize it" by attempting to stealthily walk across the crowded deck, but quickly realized I just had to acknowledge that I had just burned off the back of my ski pants to stop the embarrassment...
If you had eaten chili you would have been the life of the party...
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

Brought my boot liners home to dry and left my foot beds at home.  Twice!

It's only a 10 min drive home thankfully.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

I have anxiety reading all of these. This is my worst nightmare as I am usually broke, and can't afford a new whatever at the lodge. I forgot my gloves one time and nearly had a nervous breakdown. As a former boy scout, "Be Prepared!", fucking up your gear is unforgivable.
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

I am the worst. Most often I THINK I forgot it, but didn't. If you see me on the side of the road, flashers on, routing through my stuff, I've had a panic attack and I'm looking for:

keys to the cabin
ski socks
and more!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

I'm usually pretty good with not forgetting stuff, my prob is I tend to bring the kitchen sink with me in terms of tools to facilitate repair(s) to my vehicle in the case of breakdown. Things I tend to forget are phone/laptop chargers, and 4 pks of Guinness (not really a catastrophe until liquor opens the next day). One thing I did screw up with last season was packing unmatched pairs of poles. Thankfully, the ski patrol guys at Gore fixed that in a jiffy, pointing me to their can of orphan poles. I was extremely grateful to them for that, as I use those thin composite Goode poles, and a rental would have landed me with those thick sticks of resistance at speed poles...which would have been a bummer.
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
I am the worst. Most often I THINK I forgot it, but didn't. If you see me on the side of the road, flashers on, routing through my stuff, I've had a panic attack and I'm looking for:

keys to the cabin
ski socks
and more!
Holy crap, this is totally me! I often have the kids reinventory after we have hit the road. Hilarious post !
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

Sick Bird Rider
skunkape wrote
Holy crap, this is totally me! I often have the kids reinventory after we have hit the road. Hilarious post !
I need to become more like you guys.

Two years ago I was parked at the same Jay Pass parking lot mentioned in my earlier post. The morning had been spent riding the lifts at Jay, and on the way back to the Clubhouse, I chose to do a little solo tour up and down Mt. Trixie. Upon returning to the car, I was exhausted, elated and generally discombobulated. The temps were pleasant, so I stripped off gloves, pack, etc., and loaded up. Pulling out onto the 242, I heard a "clunk" of something rolling off the back of the car. My addled brain told me that it was a chunk of snow falling off the fender. At the same time, a passing driver waved at me, unusually earnestly. Whatever, these Vermonters are friendly, I waved back.

Ten minutes later, I was unloading gear back at the Clubhouse. Hmm, where is my pack? Where are my gloves? Faaccckkkk!!!!!! Jump in the car, zoom back up the 242, checking the snowbanks all the way. Search the parking lot for the rare Black Diamond Bandit Seth Morrison Pro Model backpack (with BD skins, water bottle and who knows what else inside), plus a really nice pair of BD gloves. Nada. Noob error: I set them on the roof the car. The guy waving was trying to help me: dude, your pack is the road! Back to town I go, and sheepishly report missing items to Don at FirstTrax. It has taken me this long to admit this in public.

So, if you are in Vermont and see someone sporting this pack, ask them if it came from the Lost and Found, and how are they liking the 80 mm skins?

Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

This post was updated on .
Sick Bird Rider wrote
"So, if you are in Vermont and see someone sporting this pack, ask them if it came from the Lost and Found, and how are they liking the 80 mm skins?"
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Ski day screw-ups

In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
Major f'up in the same vein.

Tie-downs on ultra light canoe seem to be coming loose on 87.  Get out of the car, can't see sheet up close with driving glasses on, too much of an idiot to have progressive lenses.

Put glasses down on the car roof fix boat drive off... get up to about 50... screeeeech. DAMN! Glasses 4 hundy bones, crushed by a tractor trailer.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp