Ski industry's new profit trail

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Ski industry's new profit trail

Banned User
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 "Amoroso, who heads up ski training at Whiteface, was demonstrating what may be skiing's Next Big Thing — "rockered" skis."
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Re: Ski industry's new profit trail

Benny Profane
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"While the industry constantly draws new enthusiasts, those aged 66 and older are the most frequent skiers, visiting the slopes an average of 11 days per season, according to the National Ski Areas Association, which makes them an important source of revenue."

Really? 66?? You know, we sometimes disparage the young ones on snowboards, myself included, but, boy, if it wasn't for them, the industry would be in a pickle, for sure.
funny like a clown
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Re: Ski industry's new profit trail

MC2 5678F589
I was having a conversation about dying sports the other day (tennis, horse racing, etc.) I wonder if skiing is going in the same direction.
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Re: Ski industry's new profit trail

If 11 ski days is the average, I'm feeling a little better about last years 35.

With regard to the question of whether skiing is dying... found this thing, but didn't read the explanation that went with the asterisk:

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Ski industry's new profit trail

70s Gore Kid
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Syracuse, NY
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Re: Ski industry's new profit trail

Both my kids had a fleeting interest in boarding.  Then they discovered twin tips.  Skiing is definitely "cool" again.  Once ski manufacturers  added that rear tip and made a little effort in designing the graphics, the tables turned.  

BTW, let's not disparage those 50 year olds.  I really hope that I'm still skiing at that age (almost there).  Fingers crossed.  And I actually enjoy tennis and shuffleboard.  And I ski twins.  
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Re: Ski industry's new profit trail

ausable skier
In reply to this post by 70s Gore Kid
terrian parks are great for driving ski sales - since skis break so much faster when you are landing on metal and wood objects and park damage is not warrantied
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Re: Ski industry's new profit trail

Banned User
Good thoughts all.

Looking at that chart, the numbers have remained rather steady, which is good, but the general population has increased so.....

On the other hand, " 11 " visits per year????? Must be a major percentage of skiers just doing a couple of days a year, which is probably not good.

May all be moot anyhow. Ma Nature is showing indications she may cancel the show herself...." Rain on the Parade ".... so to speak.