Skier dies at Gore

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Skier dies at Gore

Darkside Shaman
I knew Rich and he was a good guy, RIP my friend...

And, please refrain from comments regarding grooming, etc.; have some respect for the deceased...

JOHNSBURG | A man from Minerva died Monday morning when he hit several trees while skiing at Gore Mountain Ski Resort, police said.

Richard Bredeck, 65, lost control on a steep section of the double black diamond trail known as Lies, causing him to go off the trail into a wooded area and collide with a number of trees.

The accident happened around 10:30 a.m. Police said he suffered "multiple traumatic injuries."

Bredeck was an expert skier who was a frequent visitor to Gore. He was with a group of skiers when the accident occurred.

The death is the second in less than two years at the ski area. Nicholas Hansen, 20, of Marcy, died April 9, 2014, when he went off Chatiemac Trail near the mountain summit and hit a tree.

That fatality was the first at Gore since 2006.
Gotta go to know
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

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Re: Skier dies at Gore

In reply to this post by Darkside Shaman
So sorry to hear this. Shaman, I wish you, and his family, and his friends comfort, somehow.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

Banned User
Man that's tough.  It's always sad to hear this kind of thing.  I feel for his family and friends.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

Sorry to hear. RIP.

In celebration of his life though I'd like to point out that making it to 65 and still ripping around is pretty damn cool, there are a lot of people that aren't going to make it to 65 let alone still charging around the mountain. So, cheers to Richard.

We had a very well liked local go down and into some trees the other day here as well. He was stunned a little but should be ok. I was thinking about how quickly things can go wrong and how fragile life really is. I guess we just need to enjoy every day.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

In reply to this post by Darkside Shaman
Love to his family and friends.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

We should take pause and consider how dangerous this sport can be. I know personally
I take it for granted and get a little too over confident at times. RIP
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

Benny Profane
Yeah, we all don't want it to happen to us, but, doing a death plunge on Lies at 65 is a better end than drooling into a cup in the home at 80. RIP.
funny like a clown
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

Very sorry to hear the sad news.

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Re: Skier dies at Gore

warp daddy
Sad , RIP brother .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore


Scary scary stuff, from the chair on Little WF Sunday I saw a guy loose a ski and slide into the boulders near the bottom of Mountain Run. It was real horror show to witness , but thankfully the guy scrubbed enough speed so he was ok.  Looked like it was going to be a tragedy when it was happening.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

warp daddy
glad to hear the guy checked up some speed , we often lose site of the danger because we are overcome by the sheer joy of this sport .

Guess we all need to check both our gear and our mindsets and ski the conditions as safely as we can . I know i always make. This deal with myself but often the thrill of the day overcomes that judgement to some degree .

As i age i am more aware of my physical limitations but my damned mind still thinks its a kid dammitwhen i put my boards on ...... MUST CONTROL THE INNER BEAST
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

Wow, bummer.  RIP.  Lies was closed Sunday, so wondering what the deal was on Monday?  Guessing from the time of incident, it must not have been open long.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

Just awful news, rip in peace.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

Lies was groomed that morning, I didn't make it up there but did hear it was closed around noon.  Now we know why.  

Just looked Rich up, didn't know his name but I knew his face.  Shared a gondola and chair with him on a few occasions.  One of the regular retired mid-weekers.  RIP.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

Sad news.

I can attest to the little degradations in the senses (hearing, eye sight, balance, quickness) that comes with age. The issue is that you still want to fly through the trees, huck that rock or bomb that trail like you did 20 years ago. You don't want to be the guy every one is waiting on. Be safe, live to ski another day, and another year.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

Condolences to his family and everyone that knew him. Very sad to lose someone from the Gore community. I am sure he will be missed.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

St. Jerry
I believe there was also a fatality on Lies several years ago as well.
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Re: Skier dies at Gore

Duck T. R.
Being a skier for 46 years I've heard of many skier deaths, but until now it never hit home. I first met Rich and struck up a lasting friendship when we worked lifts together at Gore. He was always happy and had a very pleasant personality.  He went to town meetings and took in feral cats. I saw him leaving the lodge Monday morning and didn't take the chance to say hi.  Little did I know that chance would never present itself again. I skied Lies Monday morning, it was groomed, had a packed powder surface and skied very good. So I went back on my next run to ski it again, but it was roped off because of the accident. I didn't find out the details and who was involved in it until walked into the lodge Tuesday morning. I almost turned around an went home but made a half dozen slow runs down the front side. I'll never ski Lies without thinking of my friend Rich.