Skiing Problems

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Skiing Problems

I am in an Engineer at Walkersville High School looking for statistics on problems people have with skiing equipment in order to improve the sport. Please check out my survey and respond to it to help me out.
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Re: Skiing Problems

This post was updated on .
Took your survey for you. Looks like you're mainly interested in boots?? I think you're on the right track. Not much has changed in boot technology for a long time, skis have changed mucho.

you may find this interesting:

One of the racer dudes at greek peak is on these boots and swears buy them claiming their best boot he's ever been on. He's sponsored by them so of course he's gonna say that.....and for $1500 bucks they better be!!!

good luck

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Re: Skiing Problems

In reply to this post by WHSSki
I see where you are going with this survey. About 5-10 years ago there was a short period of time when a soft ski boot was offered by by many boot makers.  The had a short run because they were just too soft for most skiers. They probably would have been great for begininers but as rentals they were not sturdy enough to take the pounding that rentals go thru.

The best thing the soft boots did were make an outstanding little kids boot.  I was lucky enough to have gotten them for my son when he was 2 thru 4 in different sizes.  As an instructor I saw that they solved the problem that most kids boots are way too stiff for a little kid to flex them.  If you can't flex your ankle it makes it very hard to ski well.  

You want to design something - focus on a great kids learning boot.  There is a big hole in the market down there.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Skiing Problems

I have a skiing problem.

my stuff is in the trunk so i could ski 400 vert of icy groomers in southern ny, but work went late. then i looked at jay peak's recent videos and my urge to kill is at an all-time high.

that's a skiing problem!
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Re: Skiing Problems

oh yeah, my murderous jealousy has prevented me from being able to focus on the survey.
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Re: Skiing Problems

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by WHSSki
I took it. It doesn't seem like the designer of the survey considered telemarkers.

EDIT: On other hand I'm impressed that you could be an engineer in high school.  I had electric trains but that was about it.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Skiing Problems

Sick Bird Rider
^ or people that might actually ski AND snowboard in their lifetime.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Skiing Problems

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
EDIT: On other hand I'm impressed that you could be an engineer in high school.  I had electric trains but that was about it.
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Re: Skiing Problems

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
EDIT: On other hand I'm impressed that you could be an engineer in high school.  
Software engineer?
Electrical engineer?
Structural engineer?
ChooChoo engineer?
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Re: Skiing Problems

Sounds like he wants to be a BOOT engineer when he grows up
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Skiing Problems

Coach Z wrote
Sounds like he wants to be a BOOT engineer when he grows up
PhD in Cobblerie maybe.
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Re: Skiing Problems

This thread title is an oxymoron.  Skiing and problems just don't go together.