Smuggler's Notch Advice

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Smuggler's Notch Advice

Not normally on my radar, but it's the destination of The Clarkson School's annual ski weekend, which will be the weekend of the 21st.  I will be skiing both Saturday and Sunday.  Would like some general advice for skiing there.  We are staying in the slopeside condos, which I believe are at the bottom of the Village lift.  Where's the best terrain, both groomed and ungroomed?  What lifts/trails to avoid during certain times?  How will the conditions be affected by the r*in coming up?

Any answers appreciated.  Looking forward to the trip.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

The trails that are marked with a black diamond on your trail map will be the most fun.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

Don't go, you will hate it.
As I recall there is not a single HS lift, no bubble covers and no massive snow making. If you go you will bitch about it for weeks. Leave it to the rest of us who appreciate what it has to offer rather than bitch about it.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

In reply to this post by snoloco

If Ullr blesses us with a dumper before or during your stay @ Smuggs, beg, bribe or kidnap a local to take you OB on the top of Sterling, stage right, beyond the frozen ponds.  If you're lucky, a Red-Jacket might lift the rope for you and wish you Godspeed.  It could happen, but you need lotsa snow and sense to make it happen.  Can you do it twice?

If not ooddles of snow, stick to Madonna.  Doc Dempsey's will chill you, Upper Liftline will soil your drawers and Black Hole will make you reconsider your life-choices. You'll need the extended ride to recover and check off your list stuff you thought was oh so old-school.
The lifts are original, as is the vibe; maybe you'll feel it, if it's chilly you'll certainly know it when and if your ride ends.   You'll marvel at their chop-shop, where they turn old wire rope and rusty, trusty steel into renewed fun and games for kids of all ages.

Be sure to do the Zipline/Ropes Course, always better with the local distilled Rum before and after.

All the Best, See you @ Fletcher Allen Trauma Center (jus' kiddin')

Ski You On the Hill

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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

Nice post, 64ER!  Never had the pleasure of skiing Smugs but I've read a lot and it seems like a great place.

PT, gotta give Little Man props for asking about the ungroomed.  He's expanding and some ways at least, for now!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

Yes, 64'r pretty much nailed it

I'd add that Robins Run is a must for any Smuggs visitior

I remember college weeks at Smuggs like it was yesterday --- id you can't get laid during those weeks it aint gonna happen. Wonder if they still set up the Meeting House like a free for all. Man what a blast that was.

Cool the ropes course is still standing --- I was part of the original crew who built that
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

In reply to this post by PeeTex
I agree with PT Sno is going to hate Smugg's.  Its the exact opposite of everything he wants in a ski area.  Old slow double chairs, minimal grooming, best skiing is in the woods, not sure how much snow they really make or where they get the water from.

Maybe he keeps an open mind and he grows up and starts seeing the ski world in a different light from this experience.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
  How will the conditions be affected by the r*in coming up?

Any answers appreciated.  Looking forward to the trip.
The rain will have an unfavorable affect on conditions.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

Too funny HPD!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
Highpeaksdrifter wrote
snoloco wrote
  How will the conditions be affected by the r*in coming up?

Any answers appreciated.  Looking forward to the trip.
The rain will have an unfavorable affect on conditions.


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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

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In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
I agree with PT Sno is going to hate Smugg's.  Its the exact opposite of everything he wants in a ski area.  Old slow double chairs, minimal grooming, best skiing is in the woods, not sure how much snow they really make or where they get the water from.

Maybe he keeps an open mind and he grows up and starts seeing the ski world in a different light from this experience.
In all fairness to sno, I think he has evolved over the last year.  He doesn't get enough cred for that.  His touching stories about days of yore, in the soft bumps of WT.....that shit right there....(sniff).....wait guys...(sniff, sniff)....I'll be back in a couple......
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

Sorry......I'm back.  Just had to.....ahhhh.....(sniff), that shit just gets me, ya, right there.......fuck.......(sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff).....
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

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(through heaving sobs)......damn, sorry, I think I've.....(sniff)......(JTG tells self, no....not again!), sniff)......I think I've composed myself!

(Deep Breaths.....'cause that was some Jack Handy shit there from sno.)

But I think sno can actually enjoy something like Smuggs now.  He even asked about the ungroomed stuff.  Hey, HE used to bowl, now just look at the skiing internet tough guy he's become!

snoloco wrote
If you can't ski groomed terrain after a thaw, then you need to sharpen your edges and toughen up, or just go bowling instead.  Thanks to these people, advanced skiers won't get......

We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

JTG4eva! wrote
(through heaving sobs)......damn, sorry, I think I've.....(sniff)......(JTG tells self, no....not again!), sniff)......I think I've composed myself!

(Deep Breaths.....'cause that was some Jack Handy shit there from sno.)
Rolling on the floor laughing. That is the funniest thing I've seen on here in a long time JTG
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
This thread is delivering !!!!

If only it was Friday
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

K man
You must ski Oliver's Twist.  You just have to figure out where it is..................
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
  Old slow double chairs, minimal grooming, best skiing is in the woods, not sure how much snow they really make or where they get the water from.
You forgot to add:

1) Few dining choices
2) Almost no apres-ski entertainment (unless you count sad bingo & a magician)
3) Lodging last updated when MC Hammer was charting hits
4) Creepy mascots serving hot cocoa

God I love the place.
Can we get SOME snow?  Please?
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

Does anyone know if the still do the torch lite parade every friday night?? Man we had a drunken blast doing that. You didn't get paid, it was all volunteer, but you did get a nice dinner and beerZ were on the house so virtually every single ski instructor was there.  
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

campgottagopee wrote
Does anyone know if the still do the torch lite parade every friday night??
Never paid attention to which night(s), but torch lite parades are still a thing there.
Can we get SOME snow?  Please?
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Re: Smuggler's Notch Advice

The Madonna lift line might be the most beautiful thing in lift served east coast skiing.