Snowbird 12/27/12

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Snowbird 12/27/12

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What can I say?..Yeah we waited for a 30mins for the canyon to open, so what.
We arrived at a empty parking lot at 9:15 . We caught the second tram at 9:45. Nothing but knee deep and thigh deep. My daughter and I skied everywhere, Mineral even opened, it was deep but the light was soooo flat..Craziest run of the day was Reg Johnson in a total vertigo inducing white out.
sorry no pics, just to cold and snowy..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Snowbird 12/27/12

Parallel dumpage. Cool!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Snowbird 12/27/12

In reply to this post by JasonWx
sounds like a great trip
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Snowbird 12/27/12

trip was unreal
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Snowbird 12/27/12

In reply to this post by JasonWx
JasonWx wrote
What can I say?..Yeah we waited for a 30mins for the canyon to open, so what.
We arrived at a empty parking lot at 9:15 . We caught the second tram at 9:45. Nothing but knee deep and thigh deep. My daughter and I skied everywhere, Mineral even opened, it was deep but the light was soooo flat..Craziest run of the day was Reg Johnson in a total vertigo inducing white out.
sorry no pics, just to cold and snowy..
When the bird gets like that I stick to Gad 2, the tree lines are incredible and you stay out of the bowls that have no visibility. Lucky guy.

I'll be there later this season.
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Re: Snowbird 12/27/12

actually i do have a few pics from that day

"Peace and Love"