Snowmaker Dies at Hunter

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Snowmaker Dies at Hunter

Accident along ski trail claims life of Hunter Mt. employee

HUNTER, N.Y. -- A Hunter Mountain employee died in an accident along the Milky Way ski trail on Wednesday.

State Police in Catskill said Brian Mattice, 41, of Gilboa, was working with snowmaking equipment shortly before 9 a.m. when he slipped on ice and slid off the edge off the trail. He slid about 200 feet down a steep embankment and hit a rock and a tree.

Hunter Mountain Ski Patrol responded to the scene, but Mattice died from his injuries.

State Police said when Mattice fell, he was wearing a helmet and had crampon style foot gear attached to his boots.

Hunter Mountain released a statement saying, "On the morning of January 18, 2012, an employee of Hunter Mountain's snowmaking department died while working on the hill. Hunter Mountain and local authorities are investigating the incident; no further details are currently available. Hunter Mountain expresses its deepest condolences to our employee's family and friends and our entire staff grieves with them."
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Snowmaker Dies at Hunter

Yikes....++++vibes++++ for the family
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Re: Snowmaker Dies at Hunter

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by Harvey
Hunter Mountain is facing an $8,500 OSHA fine for the snowmaker's death.
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Re: Snowmaker Dies at Hunter

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This is what is wrong with the Goverment.   I agree OSHA has its place in worker safety, but as they grow older, more crazy stuff gets added to the pallet of what they deem appropriate workplace safety.    Likely did not fill out form 505D-654 correctly--spiked boot training form.  

Really--train people to walk in spiked boots?   Really?   41 yr old snow maker who has experience.

I am actually surprised about the two way radio deal.   I would have thought you would want your snow crew having radios., but maybe they offered and he did not take it.   I wish I could give up my BB for work.   I always try to get out of carrying a radio when I teach skiing.  Nothing but bad comes of it.   "require".    

But a fine because of it.  He fell 200 feet, was he alive? Could he have used the radio to call for help upon landing?   If so, then a fine is correct.   Otherwise it should be a suggestion or requirement for the future, not a fine.    $8,500 buys a lot of radios.