Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

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Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

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Campi.  Word just came out they are installing the pipes on hoyts high.  YEAHAWWW that trail is going to rock.  

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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

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Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

Thanks to HPD for the pic.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Where to move a skiing family in NY?

Harvey44 wrote
Maybe not.  Now that I know about this I am rethinking the move to Saratoga.  Maybe LP it is after all.
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

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I have only skied that trail three times.  It is one heck of a long trail.  1400 vert and lots of neat features.  Going to be a premier trail overnight.  I dont think AS will like it.  Its to long for old fat crabs.HAHA
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

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+1...the trail is a blast. I always wanted to do a day when Hoyt's, Wil trail, SV Glades and LOB where all open and just ski Lookout that whole day. Gonna happen this year
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

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woohoo, never skiid it but looks like a turny good time from the lift!
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

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The TJ tour just keeps getting better!!!
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

Big D
Those of us with Greek Peak seasons passes get to ski Whiteface at 50% off. (Gore at 10% off).
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

This is really great news.  It will spread advanced skiers out over more of the mountain and lead to better conditions everywhere.  Hoyts is a great black trail that is like older trails in that its turny with lots to varying fall lines and pitches.  

if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

Awesome news.  It is great to see the Gore/WF improvements continue!
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

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In reply to this post by tjf1967
LOL just got a text from guy...

"When I saw the title of your blog post I thought they blew on Hoyts last night!"
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High


Did Bruce say if they plan to clear up all the rock and wood scattered on Hoyts?  If they don't it will take way more snow blown on it to open it.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

Coach Z wrote
Did Bruce say if they plan to clear up all the rock and wood scattered on Hoyts?  If they don't it will take way more snow blown on it to open it.
Coach - I missed this when you posted it.  Cleaning up debris on Hoyt's isn't simple - it's hard to get heavy equipment up to the blasting areas.  Much has been cleaned up "by hand."  But there is more blasting to be done.

More Whiteface Mountain News on today's homepage.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Snowmaking on Hoyt's High

The company installing the pipes have stated it is there hardest project to date.  They are getting it done though.  WF also bought a new winch cat to groom hoyts.   The Cat has 3,000 foot of cable.  Hoyts is 4600 feet.  Its going to be interesting up there.   It may be the longest expert run in the east.