Cunningstunts wrote
Thanks for fixing the vid. This forum mystifies me. I've never even heard of Nabble before I came here. What did you do? I'm using a Chromebook, so I see everything just fine posting using the embed tags.
Nabble sucks. It was a poor choice made after a few beerz one night in June 2010. If I ever thought it would last this long I would have paid for some decent software.
On a phone your video using the nabble embed code it will probably be cutoff. Works ok on a larger screen.
Plan is to move to something WordPress based (Buddy Press), but it is taking forever because my developer works for free and so the project gets zero priority. It took him 4 years to make the rest of the site responsive, I finally had to get him to do it by writing him a big check.
Here's how to do video, not elegant but it works:

Note the √ next to HTML and the line breaks <br> added.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp