Wow thanks for reading it Brownski. It's really long and I wasn't really a concise writer back then. One day I'll edit it down to something manageable.
I actually did another solo to Twin Ponds a few years later in the fall. I camped on that same bluff and there was a coyote or coydog outside my tent all night long. Every time I'd point my flashlight out of my tent, he was in the exact same spot starring at me, his eyes glowing in my beam.
I had a tiny knife for fishing, but that was it. It was the only time in my life I really wished I'd had a gun, and knew how to use it.
Not knowing what to do, I wrote all night long in a diary, as a nervous release. If I could find those notes I'd be tempted to post about it. Maybe. It was an emotional time with some heavy shit going down between Zelda and I. Looking back on it I was in no shape to be in the woods by myself.
Camp you and I should do some walking back there, or maybe some nordic, if you are into it.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp