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Seeing AZ's Original Dirtbag thread reminded me of a couple of solo's I did. The longest was a 10 day'r while I was in college. Another one was a week long solo while hiking the Northville - Lake Placid trail. It's a unique feeling being out in the woods all by yourself. One that I really enjoy. Unless you've done it I'm not sure you'll know what I mean.

Part of my college internship was to take juvenile delinquents from LI backpacking, rock climbing and canoeing in the Adirondacks. Part of their experience was to do an over night solo, just an over night, like 12 hours. I would take them out drop them off and I would stay up all night to keep and eye on them. You would be amazed how complete darkness and silence would turn some truly physically tough kids into crying, whimpering little babies. To say the least it was an eye opening experience for them and me. I understood how they felt because when I was out of my element. meaning in LI, I was very uncomfortable. It was then, 1986, that I knew city living wasn't for me
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Re: Solo's

I did one solo in my life and it was something I will never forget.  A two night winter overnight it the Siamese Ponds Wilderness.  I was supposed to go with a buddy and he bailed.  I was so excited to go I went anyway.  

The first day/night it snowed 40 inches. It's quite an effort to ski in snow that deep with a solo pack.  The second day it was really cold (as it often is after a big nor'easter).

The first blog post on NYSB recounts the tale:
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Solo's

That's cool that was your first blog post. My cousins and I have stomped thru that same area many, many times. I enjoyed reading you blog post --- trip down memory lane.
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Re: Solo's

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Over the years, I've done a few solos, usually just a day or two and mainly because my family/friends are too lame to do anything really cool. It's funny you brought it up cause I was just looking at maps last night, trying to figure another one out.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Solo's

Due to my not-so-standard work schedule I end up doing a lot of solo missions. Most of them are day trips, but my most recent backpacking trip was a two night solo. It's definitely refreshing to be by yourself and spend some time in the mountains. Also, it can be really hard to take the time to set up for good photos when you're travelling in a group.
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Re: Solo's

camp solo's every night!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Solo's

Banned User
ScottyJack wrote
camp solo's every night!
Well, I'm not so sure. He must have someone. He's always talking about his deer.
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Re: Solo's

In reply to this post by Harvey
Just read that post, Harv- badass!
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Solo's

Wow thanks for reading it Brownski. It's really long and I wasn't really a concise writer back then.  One day I'll edit it down to something manageable.

I actually did another solo to Twin Ponds a few years later in the fall.  I camped on that same bluff and there was a coyote or coydog outside my tent all night long.  Every time I'd point my flashlight out of my tent, he was in the exact same spot starring at me, his eyes glowing in my beam.

I had a tiny knife for fishing, but that was it.  It was the only time in my life I really wished I'd had a gun, and knew how to use it.

Not knowing what to do, I wrote all night long in a diary, as a nervous release. If I could find those notes I'd be tempted to post about it. Maybe. It was an emotional time with some heavy shit going down between Zelda and I.  Looking back on it I was in no shape to be in the woods by myself.

Camp you and I should do some walking back there, or maybe some nordic, if you are into it.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Solo's

I'd love to read about your encounter with that coyote. As much as I hate those critters I still like to watch and read about them. I listen to them virtually every night at my house --- the sounds they make are amazing.

I'll be sure and holler at you next time I get up that way. I'd love to hike back in there again. The skinny ski thing not so much. The only time I ever did that was when I was in college. I was ok at the kick and glide part but as soon as I hit a downhill with a turn I would crash. Something about my heel not being locked in that I didn't care for
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Re: Solo's

Honestly I have no idea what the species was I just assumed it was a coyote as they are pretty common. It was a canine.  It was alone and not making a noise.

I only mention free heels because we could get back in winter.  I'd hook you up with something like this:

...and no real downhill would be involved.  Winter hiking, I bet you'd like it.

I'll try to find that notebook.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Solo's

I'm sure it was a Yote as you say they are pretty common up there.

What the hell, I"ve crashed before and I'll crash again, so I'll give it a whirl
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Re: Solo's

Harv --- You know the Sodum Scout Hall??
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Re: Solo's

I don't. What it's up to?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Solo's

Banned User
..... Cue Dueling Banjos.
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Re: Solo's

In reply to this post by Harvey
Was just curious ---- it's where we're having a family reunion on Sunday.