Special Guest Services

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Special Guest Services

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What would you like to see from Guest Services at your ski area?
Now, you must understand, the managers of Big Sky aren't totally aware of this. I can tell because Marketing hasn't taken off with it yet. But we now have Thai Hookers. No shit. Real ones. I even saw a Thai pimp in the parking lot this Summer. It seems that some of the housekeepers are making a few extra bucks providing a needed service for a ski area.
We used to get labor sent from South America but, IMHO, Catholic girls make for lousy whores. Of course there are probably a few exceptions. I have no first hand knowledge of the new crew. I'm a happily married guy. I don't know what they are getting for a "special finish " as my wife gave me very specific directions about this situation. But I think this is great for a ski area to be a destination resort.
As soon as they learn how to ski, I think we do away with the current Ski Hosts. God, if we still had a Gondola... I could be a pimp. It would mean a whole new wardrobe and some bling but, once again, my wife was very specific.
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Re: Special Guest Services

MC2 5678F589
The ski resort is already playing the role of the pimp. You pay exhorbinant amounts of money for few seconds of pleasure, then you line up to do it again. The mountain (the whore) is treated like shit and torn apart, all the while remaining perfectly groomed and artificially enhanced so a-holes in expensive ski suits will be comfortable with her.
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Re: Special Guest Services

Benny Profane
Wow, jeez, too bad Big Sky isn't on the Mountain Collective pass.
funny like a clown
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Re: Special Guest Services

In reply to this post by lolkl
prostitution like weed should be legal.  If it was legal - way less victims.   I do not support laws that govern activities that cause no harm to another person or their property.    

Given it present legal status and the resulting atrocities (especially from Asia) I do not support your guest services proposition.  

For our guest services I would like:

Intermediate ski skills as a minimum...

More smiles.  Friendly, informative but not overbearing

Carry trail maps to give to guests

Litter patrol - pick up things that drop from lifts or blow off picnic tables or just get left about by lazy inconsiderate people.  I as a concerned citizen routinely pick up litter or put empties into recycle bin to deter the degradation of our beautiful mtn - so I'm leading by example

I ride with Crazy Horse!