Spring Skiing Photos

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Spring Skiing Photos

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We're getting close to launching (at least part of) the new responsive site. One thing that I am tasked with is stripping out a stupid piece of code out of each photo that prohibits them for displaying large on desktop. (I could just say f'it on old posts, but I am insane.)

The net effect is that I am going through every old post and re-reading them in the process, reliving old times.  One thing that strikes me is how much fun we have in the spring.

Some pics from spring that make me smile.

Jess drops in to Killkare

Rick on Sagamore (RIP)

Rippa Sista

EDeO on Lower Darby

Rochester Mark

Jason and Zoe (or Kayla?)

PDQ's Gang

Zoe and Kayla in the bumps at Hunter

Last run of my season 2010

Riverc0il on Slide 2

Bus Camper discovered by Laz at Jay Peak

Uncas is Toast

Jammin on the deck Chuck and Rick (RIP)

If you've got spring pics you like post em up. I'll post more another time.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Spring Skiing Photos

Thanks harv!!
That's Kayla..She was around 14 in that pic...She's now 20..Where does the time go..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Spring Skiing Photos


Superstar on May 20th.  Awesome coverage top to bottom!

And a beautiful spring day skiing Paradise at MRG.  Technically not spring, but a gorgeous late February day with temperatures pushing 70 degrees!
Ski the snow on the ground, not the date on the calendar. - Glenn Plake
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Re: Spring Skiing Photos

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nice shirt adk jeff
adk jeff rockin the shirt
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Re: Spring Skiing Photos

In reply to this post by Joneski73
Joneski73 wrote

Superstar on May 20th.  Awesome coverage top to bottom!
This is a great shot... Your use of lines in the composition is really nice.  I like the way the dividing line between the snow and dirt cuts through the right side of the photo.
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Re: Spring Skiing Photos

nepa wrote
Joneski73 wrote

Superstar on May 20th.  Awesome coverage top to bottom!
This is a great shot... Your use of lines in the composition is really nice.  I like the way the dividing line between the snow and dirt cuts through the right side of the photo.

Ski the snow on the ground, not the date on the calendar. - Glenn Plake
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Re: Spring Skiing Photos

Here's my contribution. I think these were on St. plattys day 2016. Now that I look at it I think the guy grass skiing the gap might be Ethan or his brother. My younger son tried to imitate them and fell.

And Mount Peter of course, home of the greatest pond skim in the northeast.

"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller