Stoke it UP

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Stoke it UP

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Re: Stoke it UP

Benny Profane

Some of the best powder sequences I've seen lately are shot in Japan. Sick stuff.
funny like a clown
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Re: Stoke it UP

That looks like old footage. Their skis are too narrow. You can tell they are from Bridger becausethey are wearing hats. Friggin ridge hippies. I can spot a Bridger skier a mile away at Big Sky. You can tell because they are good and wearing rags. I can spot Eastern skiers also... they're good too but dressed better. People on Vacation usually dress their best.
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Re: Stoke it UP

I really liked Bridger Bowl.  I also really liked Big Sky.  I really liked Mt!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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I freaking love Big Sky!

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Big Sky is awesome.  We were so fortunate to get a great tour from Lolkl who happens to be in this vid!  Nice DB King!!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: I freaking love Big Sky!

I skied there for a week back in the mid 90's before shaped and fat skis, the tram to the summit and the two ski areas next door being added.  It was great back then and must be out of this world now.

How steep is that stuff off the summit - my memory was it looked crazy steep.

I also recall it was super rocky and took a ton of snow to cover all the rock.

if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: I freaking love Big Sky!

summit stuff is def steep.  there's one way down that is comparable to paron's run once you clear the summit area.  The rest ranges from steep as WF slides to holy chit I better not fall here.  It's a real mtn 4sure and the locals were very cool, just like the WF locals!   well most of WF's....

We also freaking loved Moonlight Basin.  Skied the Headwaters and some amazing tree runs there.

I didn't hit any rocks but we did have a couple days of Lolkl guiding us!  

He say if something looks real good and it's the only thing not tracked out, well do not be the fool to make first tracks.

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: I freaking love Big Sky!

Snow on WF.  Photo is just about at the intersection of Lookout Below on the Wilmington trail.

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: I freaking love Big Sky!

That's not me in the video. Someone else with a green coat? Otherwise I couldn't find myself. That happens on occasion. At the 1:28 mark on the vid, it shows a great angle of the South Face with Lenin and Marx. When I had the WF gang here, we skied Lenin ( lookers left ) in maybe 4 turns. I never skied it that fast in my life. When I took off, I thought to myself ( who else can you think to ? ) that it's so smooth today that I'll let 'em run and see how fast the Eastern boys are. They were right next to me. At that speed, falling was out of the question. You would still be in little piles all over the rocks. The Ass Clowns represented.
 Except for the chick with buck teeth talking about shit it's a cool video.
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Re: I freaking love Big Sky!

dang I thought that was you w/ the duct tape on the green jacket!  Sorry for the cross up.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: I freaking love Big Sky!

In reply to this post by lolkl
lolkl wrote
 . The Ass Clowns represented.

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In January 2008, after years of saving, I realized a ski dream with a trip to Retallack in the Selkirk Mountains of British Columbia. As the son of a factory worker and a graduate of the school of Hard Knox, this was a lifetime trip.  We skied natural glades through ancient old growth forests and ripped ridgelines filled with deep, dry Kootenay pow!  

Knowing my chances to return were slim, I skied every run like it was my last.  

On day two the man himself arrived.  Oh the luck of the Irish.  I was in the same lat/long as Seth Morrison!  With only two cats at the lodge and one filled with some corporate types, I felt my chances to ski w/ Seth were golden!  The next morning it was disappointing to learn he was in the other cat.  

But dolor faded fast under a brilliant bluebird sky as our crew chewed up vertical lapping untracked zones.  That evening in the mud room as I pulled off my boots, Mr. Morrison walked in and sat down.  He was quiet. I was real quiet.  Finally, I said nice boots man.  You like them?  He replied, wouldn’t ski anything else.                        
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Retallack!!!

Very cool SJ