Storm Speculation: March 14 - 15 2015

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Re: Storm Speculation - March 14/15?

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High pressure has moved into New England. Temperatures in NYS, PA, and the Mid Atlantic. While temperatures will remain cool in New England.

Our storm approaching will bring rain to western and southern PA and the Mid Atlantic mid to late afternoon. The precipitation will make it into the northern tier of PA tonight, then move into NYS late tonight into the overnight. The precipitation will move into southern New England after midnight.

The warm front has dislodged a lot of the cold, but cold pockets could cause things to start as a mix.

Across eastern New York State into, Massachusetts, and northern Connecticut, we could see a couple of hours of freezing rain Saturday morning..... This could lead to slippery roads. by mid morning all of this should be rain.

0.50 to 1.0 inches of rain, for Pennsylvania, the Mid Atlantic, into southern New England. For the southern tier , western, and eastern NYS 0.10 to 0.25 inches is possible.

There will be a northern component to this storm, this will combine with the southern storm, bringing snow and a mix to northern New York State and northern into central New England. Rain could be moderate to heavy late Saturday morning and the afternoon, rain would lessen late afternoon into the evening.

As the storm pulls away on Sunday, a NW flow will allow any rain to change back to a mix/snow accumulations look to light, but a couple of inches is possible especially in the higher elevations of New York State.

For Saturday night into Sunday As the storm is moving off the southern coast of New England heading for the Gulf of Maine and the Canadian Maritimes.

Southern and western Maine into northern and central New Hampshire 3-8 inches, with western 8-10 possible in northwest Maine and 10-12+ for areas north and east of Bangor. Along the coast of Maine back into southern New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts 1-4 inches. The same for Vermont into northeast New York State, but higher elevations in the Greens and western Adirondacks could see a few extra inches.

Winds will increase Sunday as the low pressure is moving away and high pressure is approaching.

There could be some flooding in the creeks and poor drainage areas....I think the rivers are OK.... but Ice Jams are always unpredictable this time of year.

A cold front will move though Monday night into Tuesday, this will be the start of the extended cold spell I've been talking about.
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Re: Storm Speculation - March 14/15?

So....what happened everywhere?   Anyone get snow?  Was there a lot of non-frozen precip?

Primarily interested in WF.  
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Storm Speculation - March 14/15?

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Belle was rough today, glades and most of the interesting trails were closed, the moguls were rocks and almost every trail had bare and icey patches, it snowed lightly for most of the day but not enough to soften anything up, hoping for some warmer weather to run out the season, I doubt they will get any more significant snow, still felt great to get out there.  
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Re: Storm Speculation - March 14/15?

Lateski wrote
...hoping for some warmer weather to run out the season, I doubt they will get any more significant snow, still felt great to get out there.
One great thing about the skiing is that the season won't end until it get warm. Always (or often) some great skiing at the end.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Storm Speculation - March 14/15?

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
So....what happened everywhere?   Anyone get snow?
Stowe picked up 6-8 today -- was still snowing hard when I left -- with serious winds on the upper third of the mountain. Anyone who went up there without a face gator got a free beer at the base.