Somehow that front passed last night and didn't drop a bit of rain here. I actually put a dripping hose under our big maple yesterday, it was looking severely parched.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
I hope this pattern does not continue through the winter.
Seat of the pants barometer...... I have/had a bunch of rose plants. They used to survive the winter nicely for years. Lately with very little winter precip they've been dying off.
It's nice and cool tonight...with more cool nights toncome this week. The cool breeze feels awesome coming through the window as I lie in bed and type this... Here's to colder and colder nights!!
Just saw an interesting fact on the weather. August was the warmest month ever in 130 years of record keeping (tied with July) and the last 11 months have each been record breakers for warmth.
I will look 84hrs out...Like the guys over at Open Snow mentioned...Long Range is just for shits and giggles..
Last season's long range was a total my guess is the same as yours for this upcoming winter...