Sunday River chair fail

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Sunday River chair fail

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Re: Sunday River chair fail


that is a failure mode I had never heard of before
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

In reply to this post by skimore
Apparently in 2007 SR had a base terminal that had problems with losing ground underneath.  But that terminal didn't completely come down.
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

Another crappy Borvig lift fails.  Ski areas should be purging their mountains of those death traps.  Suicide Six is replacing their Borvig double with a Poma quad this summer.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

I think we need laws banning chairlifts.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

Tremors. Just kidding, giant man eating earth worms probably aren't likely but this does sound like an erosion thing and not a lift thing to me.

erosion happens.
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

Banned User
In reply to this post by skimore
“Thank God it happened in the summer when it was not in use,”

I'll say. Thanks God !
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

In reply to this post by skimore
From the article:
"The National Ski Areas Association could point to only one other similar failure, at New Hampshire’s Gunstock Mountain Resort in 1990, when the foundation of a newly installed lift separated, causing the terminal to fall over.

After that incident, workers installed additional rock anchors to ensure the concrete foundations of other lifts didn’t detach from the mountainside, said Greg Goddard, general manager in Gilford, New Hampshire."
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
I think we need laws banning chairlifts.
That's more like something Mikey would say.  You want more chairlifts because fewer people will hike and you get the backcountry to yourself.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Another crappy Borvig lift fails.  Ski areas should be purging their mountains of those death traps.

Will be curious to read the investigation report in a few months....

But come on, this early stage all things point to foundation failure....that has nothing to do with the lift make. Now if the lift mfr also installed the foundation to their specs then yes...that's a reflection on Borvig engineering----but not the lift itself.

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Re: Sunday River chair fail

Borvig has had 3 failures that caused injuries in recent years.  Spillway, King Pine, and Thunderstruck Triple.  This one didn't cause any injuries because the lift wasn't in use, but had it been, there would've most certainly been many injuries and likely deaths.  
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

That's why Peetex is right. Lifts are physically dangerous and they congregate too many people on the hill. At the least all high speed lifts should be eliminated. Also snowmaking permits should be established and only available to resorts that average under 150". The benefit would be confining the people who enjoy this experience. It's a poor use of a natural resource anyway
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

Ok so you want more people tracking out the backcountry instead of being concentrated in one area leaving anyone willing to hike with untracked powder all day every day.

We need to be improving technology, regressing.  
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

Benny Profane
If a ski lift falls in the forest, and nobody hears it..........
funny like a clown
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Ok so you want more people tracking out the backcountry instead of being concentrated in one area leaving anyone willing to hike with untracked powder all day every day.

We need to be improving technology, regressing.
Concentrate all the people who like a groomed snowmaking experience  to a select few areas and decrease uphill capacity were it snows
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

you should investigate if they used a private personal server and delete emails marked (c)...  hahahahahahaahah
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Sunday River chair fail

ScottyJack wrote
you should investigate if they used a private personal server and delete emails marked (c)...  hahahahahahaahah
You do realize that isn't  real issue