A pretty dramatic shot from the front page of our
local news.
40 thousand acres burning about 45 minutes north of us.

No hazard in my vicinity yet, but there is still six weeks of prime fire season yet to come. We had one blow through town at the end of June that burned down 30 houses. 2 large spot fires started about a mile away from where this shot was taken and torched a bunch of warehouses in the center of town. It took out a multi-million dollar chunk of our of agriculture processing infrastructure... Created a toxic cloud of ammonia gas above town... the entire place was on lock down for about 8 hours. It was crazy.

3 seasons ago, we were evacuated from our house for about 2 weeks. No houses were lost, just a huge inconvenience. It was a joyous ending to the ordeal with an early October storm that dropped 15 inches at my house and 30+ inches in the basins just North and West of me.

Think Snow!