So, given that it's my first winter in CO (and away from upstate NY), I thought it would be nice to post a recent trip report, now that touring season is upon us in CO. Even with the lackluster snow year out here, I've had some epically deep days, most notably, chasing a 70 inch storm down to Taos.
Two weekends ago, I was staring at Buffalo Mountain with my buddy. Buffalo is an impressive dome shaped peak that marks the southern edge of the Gore Range (true to my upstate roots, my favorite range). There is a beautiful line on there that is a fairly wide couloir that runs for over 3000 vertical feet. My buddy had skied it before, but I had not. It's a classic descent, and a great sustained pitch. Even though it's not too steep (I would say mid 30s), it's length is impressive. Also, in the firm spring conditions, it's not the type of place where you want to fall.
Here is a picture of the line (looker's right, not my image):

We made some friends along the way. Great couple and their buddy.

The climb is about 3000-3500 vertical feet, I think. Skinning the whole way. Wasn't too bad, but was definitely an effort.
The snow was firm but edgeable. We all skied safe spot to safe spot, but each rest was appreeciated, to be honest. It's a long one. I've had dynafit bindings on my touring skis for a year now, but this was the first chance I really had to ski them in a somewhat commited scenario. They ski great...had the din setting too low and pulled out once, but overall, I think they're great. Here's a bunch of pictures:
My buddy Davis, at the top:

Making some controlled turns:

Feeling good at the bottom, and ready to go eat a ton of food!

Overall, it was a really great day. Fun climb, fun ski, great people. Get's me excited for touring season a exploring CO. I'm not sure if people on the forum know, but I love to fish. I often go fishing on a stretch of the Blue River, just north of the Gore Range. Every time I drive by, I this strech of mountains is barely 15-20 minutes from Silverthorne and all the noise, but it is totally quite and removed. The mountains are rugged. Looking forward to exploring them more.
Part of the Gore Range, from the road on my way to fish: