Noah John wrote
This site uses "behavioral advertising" which means that Harvey lets these little maggots snoop into our browsing history and target ads for products that they feel may interest us.
This is actually called "retargeting" or "remarketing" which is a form of behavioral targeting. When you visit an advertiser's website, they drop a cookie in your browser and then when you visit other sites in the network (in this case the Google Display Network aka GDN), you'll see that advertiser's ad. The advertisers don't see your browsing history.
Technically I guess you could say that I am allowing it by using the Google network to serve ads on NYSB, but it's not something I really have a choice about. I either use the GDN or I don't.
We're using it because it incredibly simple to use. That has two advantages. First it's really no work to manage for me. Second because the GDN is so big and easy it's used by most advertisers and it allows us to get ads from the ski areas and gear manufacturers which I really like.
I can specifically block individual ads, but that is more work than it is worth. There are thousands of ads running and to go through them to pick ones to block is a PITA.
If you don't want to be retargeted by advertisers, you can clear your cookies often. That's also a PITA because then your passwords may not fill in automatically when you log in to sites that you use often.
Almost all advertisers are doing it now because it's so effective. From a user standpoint the research shows that people are less likely to be creeped out by vs two years ago. It also shows that the younger you are the more you like the ad relevance and the less you care about the cookies.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp