Telemark Skier Magazine to Lake Placid for a show?

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Telemark Skier Magazine to Lake Placid for a show?

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Posted up from Josh's thread on FB

Lake Placid Telemark Skiers - I've got some time to put a show together on 12/3/Sat or 12/4/Sun. help me find a space and we'll bring the show to you! We have all the projection and sound. Bar, art space, whatever. Let's make sure to get up by you! shoot me an email > cheers -JM

"Loyalty" - Official Telemark Skier Movie Trailer from Telemark Skier Magazine on Vimeo.

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Re: Telemark Skier Magazine to Lake Placid for a show?

Hmm, and I thought this was a tele-rich community, guess I was mistaken.
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Re: Telemark Skier Magazine to Lake Placid for a show?

MC2 5678F589
I love skiing Tele. And I love watching Tele Movies.  I don't own a bar, though.
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Re: Telemark Skier Magazine to Lake Placid for a show?

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In reply to this post by HoliScott
I embedded the trailer for you.

HoliScott wrote
Hmm, and I thought this was a tele-rich community, guess I was mistaken.
My (non-scientific) impression is that we probably have a more teleskiers than the US average but certainly not a majority. I'm a teleskier, but don't really read skiing magazines (print) and had never heard of Telemark Skier Magazine before your post. Cool that it's based in the east.  I googled the facebook page and saw lots of promos for various shows.

Gore's got a lot of teleskiers - maybe he could show it at Tannery Pond Community Center in North Creek.  It's not huge but it's pretty nice:

Christmas break would be a good time if that's not too late.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Telemark Skier Magazine to Lake Placid for a show?

Thanks Harv, but I suspect the dates Josh gave are the ONLY dates he has.  Josh travels the country and takes his show to Europe as well.  He's a pretty cool guy who gets all sorts of gear donated at the events that he raffles off.  It's pretty cool to hang around with a whole bunch of tele skiers at once.  The resort I patrol at has a "TeleFest" every year.  I'll be sure to post up a date long in advance so those interested can come and hang out with us in Ellicottville (WNY)