Thanks Harvey!

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Thanks Harvey!

Now that we are entering into the last month of this ski season for most of us, I would like to thank Harvey for maintaining and moderating this excellent website.  I find it to be a great resource to get inside information on conditions, where to ski, weather and much more.  Its nice to have a forum to share information, and sometimes argue a bit.  Keep up the good work, and thank you.
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Re: Thanks Harvey!


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Re: Thanks Harvey!

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by evergreen
Agreed! But let's wait until the season's over for the wrap up! 2 more months at least! This storm next week might be huge for Mt. Washington. Tux till July!

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Re: Thanks Harvey!

Would love to join you for that, haven't ever been up there, on the bucket list.  
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Re: Thanks Harvey!

In reply to this post by evergreen
evergreen wrote
Now that we are entering into the last month of this ski season for most of us, I would like to thank Harvey for maintaining and moderating this excellent website.  I find it to be a great resource to get inside information on conditions, where to ski, weather and much more.  Its nice to have a forum to share information, and sometimes argue a bit.  Keep up the good work, and thank you.
Couldn't agree more. Harvey does an outstanding job.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Thanks Harvey!

I'll be up there as always, NYSB summit on the roof of NH?
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Re: Thanks Harvey!

In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
Bravo Harvey!   I look at the forum every's almost as addicting as the sport itself
Ski the East
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Re: Thanks Harvey!

warp daddy
Bravo !!  

 Harvey you continue to provide a very high quality site for those of us who love this sport . Always entertaining, informative and sometimes humorous .

THIS site delivers on a daily basis , for me it is a must read.
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Thanks Harvey!

In reply to this post by evergreen
All of the above is appreciated. All of it.

Maybe not the right place for this but here goes.

NYSB is at a crossroads with the whole mobile thing.

For much of the website (the WordPress part) it would be fairly straightforward and not too expensive.


The Forum
The Magazine
The Directory

are built on a different platform that is a problem in this regard. It's pretty cool software (free!) and the developers have customized it for a very low cost.  But it can't easily be made mobile friendly.

I have pushed the forum developers to address this but they have repeatedly resisted.  I guess they feel that as long as it's free they can do what they like.

Right now 10% of NYSB visits are mobile, 20% are via tablet and the rest are desktop.

The Magazine and the Directory could be put into WordPress one post at a time, most likely by me.  That could take a long time if I can't somehow automate it.  Whatever.

But the Forum can't be put into WordPress, it's going to have to be built on some kind of forum package. To successfully transfer all our posts to another software or format... well somehow I can't imagine that going smoothly.  Will the images, logins and all comments come over? In my experience nothing like this is ever simple.  

I think bringing all the user info over could be complicated. We have like 500 members now.  If we can't transfer registrations I wonder how many would reregister?  

Another issue is that while many of the other forum packages are addressing mobile, none seem to have solved it.  

Right now choice is to continue to limp along or to plunge blindly ahead with something that may or may not be better. In honestly I also certainly about killing it the forum and/or the site altogether, vs watching it slowly die.  A post like this has me rethinking that.  Thanks again.

I'm in a situation personally that makes putting time and money into a revenue neutral project impractical.  I may have to break my promise about going mobile this summer and ask you guys to give me one more year.  I'll have some kind of plan, one of the options above by July 1.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp