The Injury Thread

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The Injury Thread

If you want to post about any injuries that you sustained, This is the place.  Unfortunately I need to start it.
I went to Killington on 5/18 to end my season.  The 1 trail that was open was Superstar.  It was all moguls.  I got my ski tip caught on one of them and I sprained my ankle.  The pain went away shortly after and I skied out the day.  Then the pain came back and got much worse.  I am icing it as I type.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: The Injury Thread

This post was updated on .
Am I allow to post? Somehow I did not get hurt this year.  I did the season ender last year and it sucked.

snoloco wrote
The pain went away shortly after and I skied out the day.
Those moguls were calling you and you went on adrenaline. A true junkie!

Seriously sorry to hear it.

Although a season ending injury on May 18... you will heal quick.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: The Injury Thread

In reply to this post by snoloco
Sorry to hear that

Ankle injuries when you are in a ski boot which is basically a big cast are pretty rare as long as you have your boots snug.  My wife tore up her ankle due to loose boots.  Better get that checked out - there are lots of ligaments in the ankle that will not heal themselves if torn.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: The Injury Thread

Benny Profane
Coach Z wrote
Sorry to hear that

Ankle injuries when you are in a ski boot which is basically a big cast are pretty rare as long as you have your boots snug.  My wife tore up her ankle due to loose boots.  Better get that checked out - there are lots of ligaments in the ankle that will not heal themselves if torn.

Yeah, two words: Derek Jeter
funny like a clown
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Re: The Injury Thread

In no particualr order and all sustained in different mishaps...  (If you don't fall, your're not trying hard enough...)

1. Broken femur
2. Broken Tibia
3. Broken Heel
4. Broken Jaw
5. Torn ACL, partial tear meniscus, femoral tear MCL
6. Compression fracture t-11

Finger breaks dont count...
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: The Injury Thread

Broken heart this winter.     Met an awesome ski lady but as they say......didn't work out.  

Years gone by:
Separated shoulders, left twice, right on
Torn MCL left.
Torn MCL right
Broken ribs ( from compression) not fall.
As noted fingers don't count.
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Re: The Injury Thread

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
In no particualr order and all sustained in different mishaps...  (If you don't fall, your're not trying hard enough...)

1. Broken femur
2. Broken Tibia
3. Broken Heel
4. Broken Jaw
5. Torn ACL, partial tear meniscus, femoral tear MCL
6. Compression fracture t-11

Finger breaks dont count...
Scotty - How do you break your heel?  Never heard of that one before in skiing - you must of landed a big air flat on your heels?

My injury list

Both MCL's at different times
Blown Shoulder
Deep hip contusion

Agree fingers don't count but damm they hurt same goes for muscle pulls.

if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: The Injury Thread

Noah John
Coach Z wrote
Scotty - How do you break your heel?  Never heard of that one before in skiing - you must of landed a big air flat on your heels?

Oh, it's soooooo much funnier than that!  
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Re: The Injury Thread

Noah John wrote
Coach Z wrote
Scotty - How do you break your heel?  Never heard of that one before in skiing - you must of landed a big air flat on your heels?

Oh, it's soooooo much funnier than that!
Spill it Scotty
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Re: The Injury Thread

Peter Minde
To paraphrase ScottyJack, if you don't fall once in awhile, you're not going fast enough.  I'm lucky, mine's a short list but the last one is a doozy.

Clean dislocation of thumb.  I popped it back in and continued skiing with the wife.  Went to ER in evening.  Yow.
Fractured wrist
Sprained ankle ligaments (running)
Torn hamstring (running)
Torn adductors (running)
Sprained knee
Torn meniscus.  I've just started a course of Euflexxa for this.  If anyone has experience with Euflexxa, I'd love to hear about it.  Thanks,
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Re: The Injury Thread

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
scotty, i didn't know posting on harvey road was so rough. jeesh, after hearing of all of these injuries, i feel lucky. i've had just a few aches and pains from hard falls. i'm curious. did all of you suffer these injuries when you were young and reckless of old and feeble? were these injuries suffered on on shaped or straight skis? do you maintain fitness year round or are you just skiers? did you get hurt while skiing with a group of alpha males or skiing solo or with mixed company? after healing, did you do any ski specific rehab or any rehab in general?
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Re: The Injury Thread

frk wrote
scotty, i didn't know posting on harvey road was so rough. jeesh, after hearing of all of these injuries, i feel lucky. i've had just a few aches and pains from hard falls. i'm curious. did all of you suffer these injuries when you were young and reckless of old and feeble? were these injuries suffered on on shaped or straight skis? do you maintain fitness year round or are you just skiers? did you get hurt while skiing with a group of alpha males or skiing solo or with mixed company? after healing, did you do any ski specific rehab or any rehab in general?

bar fight