I think I've hit an all time low. It's almost Xmas and I have only skied 2 days (Killington and Greek Peak and only 2 days on xc skis). Last year at this time I already had 6 days in, and was able to xc ski out my door nearly every day from Thanksgiving until the warm-up on New Years. It's raining and it is super muddy. My knees are aching. I'm so depressed. When will winter kick in?
Me too. With one of the 2 biggest weeks for ski areas coming up, we're gonna feel the effects of this for a while. BTW, just heard that the roads are treacherous up in the Gore area due to an ice storm. Anyone thinking of driving up there soon had better check beforehand. The wife just told me that walking the dogs on our road (7 miles north of Gore) was quite a challenge.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
Banned User
Tell me about it...I'm home now, full season pass to every NY mtn , no job to report to....and here I sit, watching it nar.
wtfrig. |
I was at Whiteface yesterday and the roads were bad in the afternoon up there too. It was a white knuckle drive home at times. It wasn't your typical ice though, it was a slush that just made things super slick.
Eerily similar to Dec 2006 and the rest of that winter was pitifull. Guess I'll get the roadbike out again and at least get the leg muscles pumping, or maybe get the clubs out again. Maybe we will get lucky and get enough to at least X-country on a golf course. First day of winter is looking like a good day to wash the car,sad.
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Welcome back Snowballs, and good on ya for buying a SANY Gold Pass. I got a feeling you are going to get your money's worth. Regardless, would like to hear about your plans to use it... what mountains are you interested in?
Endo ... 06/07 had some great moments, at least for me. The thing about the "fat robins chowing the big worms" was hilarious and tragic! Snowhunter ... how about a quick report on Whiteface in the TR forum?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
I'm going for a mountain bike ride tomorrow, if it doesn't RAIN again. I usually put the bikes away, when I start skiing. I've been on the bike more since Thanksgiving than on the snow...but I'd rather ski in the rain than ride a bike in the rain....wtfrig is going on?
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis |
i just drove past a guy who was jogging in just shorts, no shirt..
"Peace and Love"
Just posted that TR!
Back on the original topic...yeah it is depressing but I just keep reminding myself of how last year started out for me (I didn't get my first day in until 1/2/11) and then how great the skiing was in March and April. Let's hope we see a repeat. |
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Snowhunter, I hope you are right. Since we here in the east don't get many real powder days maybe we can look forward to some nice spring skiing. And of course we can always hope for some late season storms that the locals can feast on without the flatlanders flailing around chewing up the good stuff. Harv, Yeah there was some good late season stuff in 07, just checked my log, was skiing the Slides at WF 4/15/07 and it was dumping. Unfortunately it was a Sunday and WF decided not to open up for the weekdays following the storm so only a handful of skinners got to enjoy the Monday feast. By the time they opened the following friday it was all gone.
Looks like this weekend and next week will be OK for snowmaking..which leaves New Years weekend as the first decent weekend to ski..
You know its bad when you plan on curbing the drinking New Years drinking so you can ski Jan 1st and 2nd...days I usually avoid because of the crowds. lol
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~* -Fridtjof Nansen
My time has been taken up deer hunting so my mind has been off of skiing. Deer season is now over so it's time to rip!!! I don't care what the snow is like tomorrow I'll be on it.....yee ha
Nice camp. I don't know much about hunting, but it does seem pretty weatherproof. What is bad weather for hunting? Does such a thing exist? One of the dads that I "walk to school" (a group of us walk the kids) is as crazy about biking as I am about skiing. Pretty cool to have your passion right outside your door 300 days a year. Still ... I'm a skier and that ain't changing soon, if I get my way. :) Greek? Let us know how she's a skiin.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Pouring rain certainly takes the fun out of it, and with no snow it just makes "things" harder....mainly tougher to see and track deer. Other than that, you're right...dress for what is out there and until the sun goes down you're good to go. Still snowing here in CNY and GP has guns just-a-blazin. Should be good!! |