There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

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There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In the gondola line at Gore today, some chump right behind me proceeds to start yelling about my "powder skis" and how they suck and couldn't hold up to his older model (2005-6) Rossignol Bandits, especially "in the bumps, ba-by!". The more I ignored him, the louder he got and he then started in on how  "your fat skis just won't hold up on the Rumor, BRO! YEAH BABY! Mr. Line One Hundredddssssss." and on and on while following me towards a gondola car. Dude was super aggressive and super weird. I made sure to get into a different gondola car (with people already in it) so I didn't end up in a situation where I'd have to punch this guy in the mouth.

Still scratching my head over this one... I literally had no prior contact with the dude.

Anyone else encounter total crazies on the mountain?
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

Good thing you didn't run into him in the bathroom, or he might have challenged you to an, ahem, "manhood" measuring contest.  What a douche!  

I find the thing that bothers me the most is when I'm on a lift with someone I don't know and they won't engage in conversation!  

You think you're better than me! ;)
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In reply to this post by YUKON CORNELIUS
"worlds greatest skier" was there today, think he was on rossi bandits. blue coat, black helmet ?
wish we had scene you ,was a good day
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

Darkside Shaman
I was just going to post the same comment FH....If only someone wasn't "over the hill"
Gotta go to know
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In reply to this post by YUKON CORNELIUS
Sounds like something you'd encounter at Killington, not Gore.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In reply to this post by gebbyfish
gebbyfish wrote
I find the thing that bothers me the most is when I'm on a lift with someone I don't know and they won't engage in conversation!  

You think you're better than me! ;)
Although I will usually talk if spoken to, many times I prefer a quiet lift ride, I hope I am not one who has offended you. Some people are introverted and really find it difficult to talk a lot.

Now as far as the A-hole in this thread - sounds like someone I would not want to meet.
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In reply to this post by Darkside Shaman
Darkside Shaman wrote
.If only someone wasn't "over the hill"
yea ,that wouldnt have been pretty
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

bean valley
In reply to this post by YUKON CORNELIUS
"Anyone else encounter total crazies on the mountain?"

Yeah, there's the elderly jerk-off who stands at the front of the opening gondi line and berates when we're not open per the schedule...ever thank us when we're open early???? Not too damn likely. The opening line of questioning immediately evolves (Every time) to questions as to whether we've got the ski racks set up yet at Saddle...really??? You want it both ways?
Look, if you and your pathetic prostate have got to go that bad, just have your wife hold your boards while you run inside. What??? You took it upon yourself to help us and set up the racks yourself? Thanks so much.
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by YUKON CORNELIUS
In the gondola line at Gore today, some chump right behind me proceeds to start yelling about my "powder skis" and how they suck and couldn't hold up to his older model (2005-6) Rossignol Bandits, especially "in the bumps, ba-by!". The more I ignored him, the louder he got and he then started in on how  "your fat skis just won't hold up on the Rumor, BRO! YEAH BABY! Mr. Line One Hundredddssssss." and on and on while following me towards a gondola car. Dude was super aggressive and super weird. I made sure to get into a different gondola car (with people already in it) so I didn't end up in a situation where I'd have to punch this guy in the mouth.

Still scratching my head over this one... I literally had no prior contact with the dude.

Anyone else encounter total crazies on the mountain?
Was he alone?
funny like a clown
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In reply to this post by freeheeln
freeheeln wrote
"worlds greatest skier" was there today, think he was on rossi bandits. blue coat, black helmet ?
wish we had scene you ,was a good day

100% this. i guarantee it was him.
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

Gunny J
In reply to this post by YUKON CORNELIUS
  At Belleayre a few seasons ago an ambassador at the top of the superchief quad screamed out at my son and I each trip up "Full garbage Full garbage those things on your feet are garbage.""  After the fourth time he yelled it out to us I stopped and asked him what happened with Full tilt. He said "those things are junk and you should get them off your feet.  thats all."
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by freeheeln
freeheeln wrote
"worlds greatest skier" was there today, think he was on rossi bandits. blue coat, black helmet ?
wish we had scene you ,was a good day

Please explain world's greatest skier.  
funny like a clown
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In reply to this post by bean valley
bean valley wrote
"Anyone else encounter total crazies on the mountain?"

Yeah, there's the elderly jerk-off who stands at the front of the opening gondi line and berates when we're not open per the schedule...ever thank us when we're open early???? Not too damn likely. The opening line of questioning immediately evolves (Every time) to questions as to whether we've got the ski racks set up yet at Saddle...really??? You want it both ways?
Look, if you and your pathetic prostate have got to go that bad, just have your wife hold your boards while you run inside. What??? You took it upon yourself to help us and set up the racks yourself? Thanks so much.
Just pee with your skis on in the woods off the side of a trail?  I usually do that, whether the lodge is open or closed.  And, why can't he just lean his skis against the lodge if there are no racks set up?  Or leave them on the snow for 5 minutes.  

I don't get A-holes.  Life is too short to spend it angry and pissed.  
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

warp daddy

1. life is short , it ain't a damn dress rehersal, avoid negative nuts of any stripe !  They waste time and energy
2. BIG TRUTH here  IF U ARE FORTUNATE to live awhile , YOU.     My friend , WILL. End up with a pathetic prostrate :) , count on it , it anit a big deal and in no way hampers fun of any kind . You will all get your turn in the barrel

3 As far as worrying about "facilities". Take Marcs advice or even better yet think "vapor trails ". that way u don't even have to stop if ur in the woods. Haahahahaha
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In reply to this post by YUKON CORNELIUS

One day a couple years ago one of the leaders of the "plump" house gang berated my friend for buzzing him.  The plump house leader was just pissed because my friend is a much better skier than him....

Then on another occasion I dropped my pack off at the pump house (beer and food were in it) because Niagara looked supersweet and I wanted to rip it a couple times.  A diversion of my plan to ski to mid and drop my pack.  Another leader of the plump house gang told me the retro party was on Little Face and I should go there (which I knew but Niagara was supersweet hence the diversion).

So after a half dozen or so laps on Sky to Niagara I broke out of my self induced zone and went to retrieve my pack.  It was not in the shady spot I stowed it but hanging from a snowmaking fixed gun directly in the hot spring sun.  I was out numbered so I showed my disdain for many seasons by buzzing the plump house leaders.  

We finally made peace this season.  As Warp says, life is too short to deal in the negative...   
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In reply to this post by Gunny J
Gunny J wrote
At Belleayre a few seasons ago an ambassador at the top of the superchief quad screamed
Now there's an awesome thread right there!  

Things Host/Ambassadors Say!


I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

MC2 5678F589
There's definitely some guy at Gore who is outrageously pumped on himself and Rumor especially. He was pissed one time because I stopped halfway down the trail. He just rolled up on me and started yelling:

Him: "Tawp to Bawttum! Tawp to Bawttum!"
Me: "Ummm... What?"
Him: "Explode the bumps! Tawp to Bawttum! No Stops!"
Me: "Okay..."

Saw him later and skied right past him on Rumor and waited for him at the bottom.

Him: "Wooo! Yeah! Explode the bumps!
Me: "Top to Bottom?"
Him: "Yeah! Woo! You got it! TAWP TO BAWTTUM!

 I think I earned his respect. (I don't know why I needed his respect... Just thought it might have been the same guy)

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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

for some strange reason I interpreted "twap to bawttum" and Spock to Batman, and I was like - WTF???  

but maybe he was yelling, "I have a little penis"!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
I love it!

The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: There are some wierd MF'ers out there.

In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Benny Profane wrote
freeheeln wrote
"worlds greatest skier" was there today, think he was on rossi bandits. blue coat, black helmet ?
wish we had scene you ,was a good day

Please explain world's greatest skier.
Yes. How have I not encountered this dingus before?
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"