Things heard on the Lift...

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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

pro2860 many times do I have to tell you?...I only turn when I HAVE to!!!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

On my last visit to Mt Peter, a father asked me if I could ride the lift with his older daughter (maybe 5 years old) while he rode with his youngest (around 3 or 4). Of course I said yes and after having a mild heart attack everytime the kid turned around to wave at her father and sister she looks up at me when we're almost to the top and says "I need help getting of the lift..." i almost died haha didn't realize what I was getting myself into..luckily the lift/placing her down/holding and pushing her down the incline worked out smooth and noone got hurt!
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

turn, turn, turn. ok. now turn,turn, turn. ok, now turn...

a guy trying to teach a girl how to ski down mountain run.  
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

Noah John
"I want to climb into your warm shorts with all the other woodland creatures!"
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

Noah John wrote
"I want to climb into your warm shorts with all the other woodland creatures!"
what are you some kind of freak?!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

Noah John
Pants wrote
what are you some kind of freak?!
I didn't say it - just overheard it.  The person who said it is pretty freaky though.
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

K man
Years ago my buddy and I were in line for the old red gondi at Gore.  He was really proud of his new pink Volkl P9's until this girl from New Jersey (sorry harv) yelled '"where'd you get those skis, I've just got to have a pair to match my hat".
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

K man wrote
Years ago my buddy and I were in line for the old red gondi at Gore.  He was really proud of his new pink Volkl P9's until this girl from New Jersey (sorry harv) yelled '"where'd you get those skis, I've just got to have a pair to match my hat".
ouch!  that's brutal!!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

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In reply to this post by K man
K man wrote
Years ago my buddy and I were in line for the old red gondi at Gore.  He was really proud of his new pink Volkl P9's until this girl from New Jersey (sorry harv) yelled '"where'd you get those skis, I've just got to have a pair to match my hat".
That is a LOLzer.

Oh yea - remember no need to apologize - in my mind it's not an insult to be from NJ.

Not from the lift but in the same vein as the Alta story...  we were bc skiing on Harvey Mountain. There is a ridge/line of cliffs that you can ski along the top of ... it's a few hundred feet above a popular ski trail.  We heard a big group from garnet hill below and started howling. Sure enough we heard the tale being told that night in the GHL dining room.

"You'll NEVER believe it! We heard wolves today!"
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

In reply to this post by K man
K man wrote
Years ago my buddy and I were in line for the old red gondi at Gore.  He was really proud of his new pink Volkl P9's until this girl from New Jersey (sorry harv) yelled '"where'd you get those skis, I've just got to have a pair to match my hat".
HA...I used to have a pair of those skis!!!!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

Prolly 15 years ago by now….

ATSD (Auggie The Ski Doggie) and I were riding the summit quad at WF after a good night of drinking when all of a sudden he started in burping….BUUUUUURRRRP, BUUURRRRRRP, BURRRRRRRP, and not the “oh geez my tummy hurts”, but the I’M GONNA PUKE BURPS. I could not get far enough away from him…that chair was NO WHERE big enough for me to escape the potential of me getting his eggs over easy all over me. I start laughing and say, ATSD if you puke on me I’m gonna slap the hell out of you…he starts laughing, burping, laughing burping. I give the man credit. He never hurled and to this day we still crack up every time we’re on that damn lift.
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

Not heard on a lift, but still cute!  Skating over to the top of Cloud after riding the quad up, I passed a young mom and her daughter struggling, with mom passing encouraging words and occasionally offering a pole pull to her daughter.  As I reached the top of Cloud, I caught up to Dad and junior, who was all of about 3 feet tall, rather impatiently waiting for mom and sis to catch up, with frequent looks over the shoulder.  He finally had enough and yelled back to them, "Come on guys, you need to keep up!" To which dad responded, "Hey, I pulled you over here!"
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote

"You'll NEVER believe it! We heard wolves today!"
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

Gun Grip.   I made that up!  2Day Sky!  Yep!!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

My girls learned to ski at Mohawk Mountain in CT. The first time my older daughter, who was 6 at the time, skied without a harness on the bunny slope she said, "I am skiing like a famous skier!".
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

ADKarver wrote
My girls learned to ski at Mohawk Mountain in CT. The first time my older daughter, who was 6 at the time, skied without a harness on the bunny slope she said, "I am skiing like a famous skier!".
I ride with Crazy Horse!