Things heard on the Lift...

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Things heard on the Lift...

How about a list of some of the things you've heard on a lift...

I had two good ones this weekend on the Little Whiteface chair (it's a double chair that loads from mid mountain and takes you to the top of Mountain Run or further up to Little Whiteface.

Got on w/ an older dude.  I sense he's a bit of a grump...  About mid way up he spew’s out, "Don’t need them powder boards today do you."  I was on a pair of Line Prophets - 90 under foot.....  

Couple runs later get on w/ a fellow who’s pretty decked out.  Locked into a sweet pair of Blizzard Cochise..  I just purchased the Black Pearl’s for my beautiful wife.  So I ask him how he likes his Cochise and get the full on review including the, “I just went down Mtn Run going at least 70mphs on them and they were totally stable.  Did you see me?”

"You know I did", I enthusiastically replied!    He was stoked!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

"Fox Lair's getting really icy".....usually heard by day trippers by about 9:15a....

This isn't Jackson Hole, dude. Get over it and see it as a chance to be a better skier.
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

Heard a girl scream to her boyfriend the other day at Camelback on an expert trail: "I can't believe you made me do this! I'm going to kill you!"

me and the others on the lift just died laughing!
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

An intermediate skier is your best entertainment value!

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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

warp daddy
Nah the BEST are the supercilious AH's, all decked out with the latest most expensive crap   who think that They are  damn World Cup  Wonders and hold everyone else on the mtn as a gaper  with their  jackwagon  'tudes. Those are the real jerks
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
Did you see me?”

"You know I did", I enthusiastically replied!    He was stoked!
LOL Scotty.

When you have a five year old it all changes.  

On the Gore Gondi about a month ago  - me, my wife and our five year old. And two teenage girls...

"She is SUCH a slut!"  Can you believe she went home with that guy?!

My normally reserved wife tries to bring the convo back to a PG rating:

"Neve that is such a cute pink helmet...I LOVE the butterflies on it."
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

Out of the Mouths of Kids...

Dad spent the whole morning teaching 3 year old Jason to ski using a Ski Leash.  They meet up with Grandpa on the gondola.  

Grandpa asks Jason, "Hey buddy, how do you like skiing?"  

Jason replies, "It's pretty fun.  I could go a lot faster if I didn't have to pull my dad around."

True story.  You can't make this stuff up.
If you are having fun, you are doing it right.
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...


like said above, i got on the gondi earlier this year with a few people, i had my nordica soulriders (everyday ski at 97 underfoot), and one of them said WOW did you mount up 2 snowboards, you must be feeling lucky today.

not a comment but last year riding up the triple at gore i had a guy pull out a book and start reading, that was a new one.
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

when my kids were younger the  youngest looked at a guy with skinny straight skiis ,faded neon and said to me "looks like he doesn't get out much" which soon became a game
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

freeheeln wrote
which soon became a game
We have lots of those.
G.N.A.R., for one.

We used to have a high five game. High five random people, get points. I tried to high five a guy who was holding a snowboard in his one arm once. Then I realized he only had one arm. Whoooops. Didn't do that one again.

And you get a point for every afro-american you see. Some people play it a la "punch buggy" style.

There is a kid in my skiing class... he's a former racer. Real cocky kid. Always has his edges up on a SUPER high angle and never skids his turns. He CRUISES. When MC2 was trying to tell him to skid his turns to scrub/control his speed, and trying to teach him that you can make short-radius turns on GS skis, he couldn't handle the concept. He's gonna kill someone skiing. It'll probably be himself.

He kept saying "well this is how I was taught to ski" and tells you 1.34246x10^8 times that he got 3rd at states. I told him it's how you ski a GS course. He asked why it's any different whether you're in a course or not. He was saying "well I guess you can try to teach me how to become a worse skier, but I still don't understand why". Kid's an idiot. He blamed it on his skis today. MC2 and I (and the rest of the class) are patiently awaiting the day that we get real snow, and we have to watch him try to ski it.

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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

Adk Jeff
fujative wrote
He blamed it on his skis today.
A bad carpenter always blames his tools.
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

But he started saying he was skiing poorly because of his skis, and then he was saying he was the best skier in the group. Including better that MC2. I giggled.
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

In reply to this post by tBatt
Had a gray fox run alongside me and then cut across cloud just below the dropoff and the guy behind me yells at the top of his lungs...did you see that wolf?  
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
I'll be back
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

Wolf?! I think it was a WOLVERINE!

When I was at Alta, my buddy and I were behind a grove of trees and we heard a lady and her kids coming down the run (pretty slowly). Tom made some growling noises.
"OHMYGOD, was that a bear?!"

It was awesome.
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

In reply to this post by ski2moro
ski2moro wrote
Jason replies, "It's pretty fun.  I could go a lot faster if I didn't have to pull my dad around."

True story.  You can't make this stuff up.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

In reply to this post by sudsnbumps
sudsnbumps wrote
Had a gray fox run alongside me and then cut across cloud just below the dropoff and the guy behind me yells at the top of his lungs...did you see that wolf?

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

In reply to this post by tBatt
fujative wrote
When I was at Alta, my buddy and I were behind a grove of trees and we heard a lady and her kids coming down the run (pretty slowly). Tom made some growling noises.
"OHMYGOD, was that a bear?!"

It was awesome.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
When you have a five year old it all changes.  
I bet it do harv!!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

1st Gondi run on Sunday get stuffed into an 8-pack w/ my bro Jack who calculated up the load at over 1600 lbs...  200+
 over the limit....  We was in w/ a crew from LI.  Not the Guido types but more the sled head type.

The biggest fella tells funny stories all the way up!  Ends it w/ how he got his mechanic job.  

Says, "the guy before me got fired cause when working on the air brakes he backed them off but didn't bring em back.  Guy gets into truck to leave and drives right through the storefront across the street."    

I laughed, a lot!

As said before - you can't make this chit up!!!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Things heard on the Lift...

I was at Gore riding the Gondola with my wife. It was a Friday morning and about 10 degrees with some wind. We get on are are joined by 3 girls in full race gear but no jackets or warmups. They looked pretty serious and hard core. It turns out they were in the super g race on Twister. They must have been 14 or 15. After they pulled off their helmets they proceeded to talk to each other at the same time about each others hair, nails and make-up for the whole ride up. Race? What race? They were still talking as they skated over to Fairview. It was one of the funniest moments I have ever had on the mountain. My wife and I still laugh about it.