Throwback TR Killington, VT May 11, 2014

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Throwback TR Killington, VT May 11, 2014

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So ill try to keep this short but i Left for Marine Corps boot camp Sep. 2013 graduated in Nov. came home for two weeks and squeezed in 6 ski days. After finishing up the rest of my training I returned home May 10th around midnight, packed our ski gear into the car and woke up by 4am to hit the road by 5am. In the Marines I've learned how little sleep a person can actually run on so 3 hours was enough to keep me going all day, plus i missed a full ski season after the past 3 seasons each holding 50+ ski days so I was ready to fulfill my passion for skiing. The weather was great, with a beautiful bluebird day and I was happy to strap on ski boots instead of Marine Corps issued boots.

I was on the one of the first superstar chairs and excited to be on the mountain again and went full speed down superstar, blasting through the giant spring moguls, landing in the mashed potatoes. After going up the second time up i had to stop and get a picture with dad for the first time in 6 months.

after making a few more runs down superstar like a bat out of hell, my legs were feeling the burn and it was time to stop at the Umbrella Bar.

We worked our way back and forth between Skye Lark and Superstar for the next two hours and stopped to head back to the car for some burgers and beers on a beautiful Vermont day.

After my last ride up a took a panorama shot from the top of Super Star before heading back home.

Now im stationed on Camp Hansen in Okinawa, Japan, my hope is to travel to mainland this winter in hopes of hitting the slopes in mainland Japan. Ill keep everyone updated if I do make a trip to mainland for some skiing
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Re: Throwback TR Killington, VT May 11, 2014


Awesome patchrick!

And thanks for your service to our country.

Can't wait to see our first TR from Japan.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Throwback TR Killington, VT May 11, 2014

Killington is just so good in the spring.
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Re: Throwback TR Killington, VT May 11, 2014

In reply to this post by Harvey
ill try my best to get up there Harvey, a lot of paperwork will have to be pushed for me to make the trip to mainland for some skiing
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Re: Throwback TR Killington, VT May 11, 2014

In reply to this post by ml242
i also forgot this photo
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Re: Throwback TR Killington, VT May 11, 2014

In reply to this post by patchrick09
No pressure bud do what you gotta do.

From what I've seen the skiing in Japan looks pretty sweet.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Throwback TR Killington, VT May 11, 2014

Harvey wrote
From what I've seen the skiing in Japan looks pretty sweet.
But he is in Okinawa, a lot of ocean to cross to get to any skiing, all the good skiing is way up north. I think about 1,000 miles away - 1400 to the skiing at Hokkaido.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Throwback TR Killington, VT May 11, 2014

flights only cost 100-200 dollars, i save more than enough of my money to splurge on a japanese ski trip. Also the single marine program on base offers a few ski trips to different resorts throughout the year
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Re: Throwback TR Killington, VT May 11, 2014

Great report, glad you were able to enjoy yourselves.  I'm with Harv, thanks for the service protecting my sissy ass

The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.