Time to cowboy up

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Time to cowboy up

Just about this time tomorrow morning they'll be wheeling me in to give me a new knee. I'm soooooooo ready to get this done and on the road to recovery. All this hobbling around, not being able to do squawdooosh is for the birds.

HPD and I were both unable to ski this year at WF......we have some making up to do next year
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Re: Time to cowboy up

Well, if you had to miss a season, I guess this was a good one to miss!  Hope your surgery and recovery go well!
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Re: Time to cowboy up

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Best of luck with the surgery, and just remember ... Pain is weakness leaving the body!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Time to cowboy up

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
HPD and I were both unable to ski this year at WF......we have some making up to do next year
Ahh i now recall that you hurt your knee - good luck.  I didn't realize that you didn't ski that day.  Without skiing your trip to the DAKs must have been an epic drink fest.  Nothing makes a bum knee feel better than a beer or 10.

Best advice i can give you is listen to the PT folks and work hard at rehab.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Time to cowboy up

Good Luck Camp!  Smart move going in now.  You'll be riding a bike by June!  Cutting sports come August and rock solid to ski by Nov!  

Do the PT like your chasing the monster buck of all time!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Time to cowboy up

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
++++vibeage+++++ to Camp and HPD.

The comeback is going to be BIG!!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Time to cowboy up

Thanks all.

This PT will be MY NFL training camp...gonna hit 'er hard....best news is I got the purchase of a NEW mountain bike by the goalie this morning
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Re: Time to cowboy up

warp daddy
Good Luck Campster !!!!!!!  UR   young and tuff mentally just be religious with the PT , sweat like a pig , huff n' puff, push n' pull and  you'll be a Bull by next season !!!!!!n   Vibes and OH -----------------GO ORANGE do damage for the Campster !
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Time to cowboy up

Damn straight WARP....GO CUSE BITCHES
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Re: Time to cowboy up

Make sure you have them write as many painkiller scripts as you can.  They always come in handy down the road:)

Good luck man.  I've had my left acl done twice.  Its no picnic but you can get back.
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Re: Time to cowboy up

Campi, borrow a smart phone so you can facebook in the recovery room.  Keep hitting that button.  That was a fun day for me.  The next couple..not so much.   And remember there is no crying in the recovery room.
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Re: Time to cowboy up

Sick Bird Rider
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Camp-man. You are probably fully engaged to a morphine drip by now but just in case, make sure your doc signs his name on the correct knee. Mine did and it made me feel a lot better. I had my knee done April 1, 2010 and was skiing carefully, with a brace, the next season. Skied this season without the brace and never felt the need for it.

Enjoy the ride!

I may have shared this with you before but just in case:
A fine poem my wife wrote on the topic of me getting knee surgery
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Time to cowboy up

Good luck campi!  first few days are a beotch!  perfect timing on the surg though.  I had mine beginning of april, on bike in June!  Road biking or stationary bike is your BFF!
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Re: Time to cowboy up

heal well my friend ...  do the pt and you'll be back badder 'n ever
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Re: Time to cowboy up

Good luck, heal well, ski soon!
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Re: Time to cowboy up

All went fine....I now officially know what pain is, Wow!!! Knee fixed and now its snowing here in cny...lol
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Re: Time to cowboy up

warp daddy
Glad to hear it was a success My man !!   Hope the ONLY pain you suffer is from the pain inflicted by the Buckeyes on our Orangeman . Heal well dude >
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Time to cowboy up

glad it went well - if my daughter handled the pain of two acl surges i'm sure you'll be fine
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Re: Time to cowboy up

Gorgonzola, your daughter is Obvi way tougher than me...LOL

Warp...that game hurt but with all Cuse has been thru we had a good year, would've been nice to win a couple more but refs didn't see it that way!!! Bastards!!!