Tips for Hiking with Dogs

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Tips for Hiking with Dogs

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I am planning to take my Labrador Retriever for a hike and to ensure I keep him on track I want to buy a Garmin Astro which I found online. But before that, I want to know your thoughts about the said product.
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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

Instead of wasting good money on that, just train your dog off leash.  I have a 4 year old black lab I can take anywhere off leash, and an 8 week old black lab who will be trained as well.  It''s not that hard, and when hiking always have a leash ready incase you meet hikers who don't like dogs, or your dog meets something that doesn't like them (bears, porcupines, ect).  I always carry bear spray, just in case.  
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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

I can’t count the number of people that have taken there so called well trained dogs for a hike and the list the dog, many have gotten them back after days of anguish, sometimes the poor animals were starved. Also, if you plan on hiking in the high peaks, it’s illegal to have a dog off leash and the rangers enforce the law.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

I don't hike with my dog on the leash. Isn't it silly to be out in the middle of the woods and someone lecture you about your dog not being on a leash.
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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

I trained my dog very well, but still use an electronic leash when taking him in the woods. (Which I do often). No matter how well trained, they are hard wired to find death or other stinky things to roll in to wash off their scent. I keep my boy relatively close and he comes a runnin' quickly when I vibate him or if he doesn't he gets a quick shock. One caveat, you need to  train them with the electronic collars and a lead to ensure they know to come when you buzz before taking them in the woods.


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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

Shoot bird. Dog goes and gets bird, dog brings bird back. Repeat.

No electric collar needed
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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

In reply to this post by Marcski
Our little pup is good off the leash to do his bid’ness but I agree that their insticts can lead to trouble, which is why I don’t bring him off leash outside of our yard.

Heck, just yesterday morning as soon as we got out the door he rushed three deer who were right on patio eating our perennials (fuckers....the deer, not the perennials).  Sure, he didn’t get far, but what if we were near the road?  I’ve also had to fish him out of ponds for chasing ducks.  They just can’t help themselves, nature always wins!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

Starting to get a kick out of the look on the face of the off leash dog owners who’s yelling “my dog is friendly” as their animal races towards me and I respond about my on leash dog, “mine is not.”  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

In reply to this post by tjf1967
Not as silly as someone asking you to help them with the vet bill cause their off leash dog attacked your on leash dog and now needs a front leg amputation...  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
You just reminded me of one of the greatest lines in a movie ever

Does your dog bite?

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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
Say it ain't so.
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Re: Tips for Hiking with Dogs

Wasnt his fault...
I ride with Crazy Horse!