Titus Mountain sold

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Re: Titus Mountain sold

Banned User
Yea, I, sober, was one of those bus trips once to Seven Springs where some people got drunk, some of them first time skiers. One of them skied off the trail, over a drop, onto a brushpile where a stout branch lanced him through the buttocks and came out his front lower ab wall. Patrol cut the branch off and life flighted him, branch and all.

Don't know the outcome but always thought his friends shouldn't have let him ski.
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Re: Titus Mountain sold

warp daddy
Mikey : THAT ain't skiing -- that's carnage and an open invitation for predatory lawsuits -- better to enjoy the sport responsibly . NO more DAMN fools needed on any hill - too damn many low/no skil party skiers now . Stick toMahoghany Ridge if u ain't got GAME
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Titus Mountain sold

Didn't mean to come off as promoting it in any way.
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Re: Titus Mountain sold

warp daddy
Hey no problem Mikey -- i was just making a generalized comment .

Guess i've  witnessed too many out of control drunks rockin some blacks  that not only hurt themselves eventually  but also "whacked" a few innocent lower skilled skiers in catwalks or other fast to slow transitional  ski lanes .

 Gotta stay sharp on the hill -- it is a precision skill with split second judgements required at time, so any induced delayed actions are compromised  

havin a few  apres----is cool
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.