Top 5 Under the Radar Ski Resort in North America

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Top 5 Under the Radar Ski Resort in North America

Unofficial Networks:

Gore Mountain, New York

Gore Mountain is a fantastic state run ski area in the Adirondack mountains of New York. You might hear “state run resort” and think it’s some budget ski area with no desirable amenities such as high-speed quads, gondolas or snowmaking but you would be dead wrong. Gore might not have a 5 star lodge at it’s base but the ski experience is on par with any of the high price ski resorts in the east. Recent terrain expansions have opened up vast amounts of prime east coast glades making this gem shine even brighter.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Top 5 Under the Radar Ski Resort in North America

Also making this gem shine brighter is the fact that they are running more lifts mid week. It seems they have made a serious commitment toward improving the mid week experience and in my opinion they have been successful. I hope it pays off with increased sales.

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Re: Top 5 Under the Radar Ski Resort in North America

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Re: Top 5 Under the Radar Ski Resort in North America

bean valley
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Re: Top 5 Under the Radar Ski Resort in North America

Benny Profane
Nice list. Good company Gore has there. Impressive. I gotta check out Red one day.
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