Trail to Tuckermans?

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Trail to Tuckermans?

Going to the White Mountains pretty soon, near Tuckermans. Thought it might be fun to xc ski to the bottom of the bowl.
About how long would a ski in take? Is it reasonable to ski it on skinny Nordic gear or is snowshoe better?
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Re: Trail to Tuckermans?

Check a topo map, the trail in is a steady climb and takes about 2 hours on foot. I think the ski down on the Sherbie might be a challenge on Nordic gear if not dangerous, but I only skied Nordic once and didn't do so well
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Trail to Tuckermans?

In reply to this post by greif
The trail leading up to the bowl is a hiking trail. People skin up it, though many walk or use snowshoes or traction spikes, which are a good idea after some freeze-thaw cycles. I suppose you could ski on cross country gear. You can't ski down it. A ranger would stop you, as would other users, as it's not a ski trail. There are other ways in to the bowl, but my guess is they're even harder to negotiate on nordic skis. The Sherburne trail is the ski trail and it's one-way, down. If you're really, really good at skiing down and have beefy gear -- three-pin bindings, the biggest, stiffest leather or synthetic-leather boots, wide skis with little camber and turning sidecut -- I guess you could do it, but most people are on full-on alpine or telemark gear or snowboards. It's a fun trail, but not a nordic trail.
I haven't been to any, but I know there are many outstanding xc options in the vicinity, perhaps at the Pinkham Notch visitors center.
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Re: Trail to Tuckermans?

Those answers are exactly correct. You can't take skinnies up to the bowl. The snowshoes will be fun if it's still fresh, otherwise good boots and microspikes will serve you well.
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Re: Trail to Tuckermans?



Condition were decent enough. Telegear was sufficient.

Skins definitely recommended for the climb.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp