Tuckermans Avalanche

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Tuckermans Avalanche

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Re: Tuckermans Avalanche

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Re: Tuckermans Avalanche

Excellent report. Lots of errors and shaky judgment.
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Re: Tuckermans Avalanche

In reply to this post by freeheeln
Interesting post, I have never made it to tucks, would love to make it there one spring!
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Re: Tuckermans Avalanche

In reply to this post by x10003q
x10003q wrote
Excellent report. Lots of errors and shaky judgment.
You are being too nice. :)

It sounds like it was a serious sh#t show of people in way over their heads.

The folks taking the course sure got their monies worth!
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Re: Tuckermans Avalanche

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Re: Tuckermans Avalanche

How do you mean?

I don't think in any of the incidents out west this year were there three separate parties climbing directly on top of each other without any gear. This weeks incident in Jackson was sort of relatable but still not quite as many involved and in over their heads. It could have been worse though very easily.