Tug Hill 12/18/10

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Tug Hill 12/18/10

Tug Hill got 18" of snow so we decided to drive up and take a tour of the Winona Forest.

Fluffy and deep...just not much vert

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Re: Tug Hill 12/18/10

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Powderqueen wrote
Fluffy and deep...just not much vert.
Looks good to me. I was really kinda psyched skiing with Highpeaksdrifter and Lancelot on Saturday at Whiteface.  Two top notch skiers who were looking for the best snow. This run under the Bear Lift had some of it, and we lapped it a bunch:

For me it's about the surface.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Tug Hill 12/18/10

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by Powderqueen
Nice PDQ.  Ski touring in the woods can be great, even without a lot of vert.  Looking forward to some Adirondack tours this winter myself.