Vacation Week Skiers/Riders

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Vacation Week Skiers/Riders

 From Little Whiteface chair we sat helplessly as a "vacation week skier" steamed straight down Mtn Run making short half turns.  He continued to gain speed as he stayed pretty much on a straight course.  Snow was hero grip.  Only one other person was on the trail in his vicinity or quite frankly on the trail..  Mtn Run is a very wide trail, especially where it joins Wilderness (his vicinity at the time).  

Little girl in a cute pink outfit.  Skiing across the fall line about 200 yards below.  He's gotta see her.  She's wearing pink and coming his way.  Why is he not gonna go around her??  Why is he still accelerating straight into a collision course???

O, he's looking at his ski tips!!  O, Jesus he's gonna hit her...  LOOKOUT! Last second sees her.  Avoids direct body contact, brushes her.  Skis over her skis w/ enough force to rip her out of one ski.  He yards sales and slides over 200 feet.

If he hit her straight on he would have killed her!  

She got up and people who were on Wilderness ski over.  Help her put her ski back on.  She skied away after a couple minutes.  I never saw her again.  Probably ruined her vacation…..    
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Vacation Week Skiers/Riders

Yeah ... saw all kinds of stuff over the past few days.

Our favorites were the little girl, skiing Mountain Run all day Sunday and Monday, power-wedging all the way down!!! Who was she with? Why did they not take her to an easier trail where should could actually learn to ski?

The other good one was the guy who booted up IN the gondola this afternoon ... that was a new one for me!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Vacation Week Skiers/Riders

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
Top of Mtn Run and Parkway.  Again helplessly sitting on chair lift.  Daddy on skiers right skis to the one small patch of glare ice.  Spins, falls and ends up in an L shape w/ skis slightly above his core area with him facing completely up hill.  He is just above the snow fence on Parkway and at a point where the fall line drops off sharply.

He never looks behind himself or attempts to get his skis (still both on) below his body.  He digs in w/ a couple fingers on his right hand but starts picking up speed.  He then says to his wife and small child, "Well I guess I'll just enjoy the ride."  We immediately  scream, dig your skis in!! dig your skis in!  

He never does, gets lucky and bounces to the right of the snow fence and in-between Mtn Run and Parkway.  Continues to slide, never looks behind himself or attempts to self arrest.  New powder and snow sent in from skiers and riders slows him down and he finally stops 2 feet from a huge birch tree.  

Def would have broken bones or worse if he stayed on the steep, groomed surface of Mtn Run or Parkway.....

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Vacation Week Skiers/Riders

In reply to this post by Face4Me
Heard a ton of,  "Hey watch this" or "Did you see me launch that"?
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Vacation Week Skiers/Riders

ausable skier
I saw a dad about take his 3 yr old with a edgy wedgie thing on his ski tips down the skier cross course on wolf.  I mentioned to him that the kid did not have enough weight to be able to make it up the ramps on the course and got a lights are on and no one is home look from him.  Sure enough on the second feature the kid stalls out.  Of course just then 4 teenagers decide to tuck the course from the starting gate and narrowly miss the kid.  Dad yells at the teens and I then again went and suggest that this was not the place for that kid - lights finally come on for the dad and he gets off the course.

They need to put a sign that course says no wedge turners on that thing so some kid does not get killed.
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Re: Vacation Week Skiers/Riders

Two words: Midget Mafia

Groups of little kids bombing hills at the encouragement of irresponsible adults. But of course, if they came flying up behind me and I turned in to them, because of course, I don't have eyes in the back of my head, it would be my fault that their precious child got hurt.