Valley Uprising

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Valley Uprising

So I found this available on Netflix last night and I got to watch it and I think it was one of the coolest documentaries I have seen in a long time. I have never really been a climber but I did spend the summer of 2001 in Mammoth and climbed at least every other day there. I wasn't very good at it to be honest, I found the slow methodical movements to be difficult when dealing with that much exposure but it was enough experience to realize how awesome the accomplishments are of dedicated climbers. For the most part I only cleaned gear and followed my girlfriend up easy to moderate multi pitch routes in Tuolumne Meadows and climbed at various sport crags around the Mammoth area. I have also always loved the true grit, dirt bag lifestyle, and pioneering spirit many climbers embrace and this film really captures that. So if you haven't seen it yet and it sounds interesting to you I highly recommend Valley Uprising, even if you are not a climber this is some good shit!
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Re: Valley Uprising

Yup, it's pretty good. There were some real characters involved in the Yosemite scene back then.
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Re: Valley Uprising

In reply to this post by raisingarizona
raisingarizona wrote
I found the slow methodical movements to be difficult when dealing with that much exposure
me too bro.  Much more comfortable making decisions when moving at a higher rate of speed.  I did love the wildness of some of the places I did climb in the Adirondacks.
I ride with Crazy Horse!