Vibe at Whiteface

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Vibe at Whiteface


This was my 12th season as a WF regular. There has been a positive vibe amongst the customer base (both pass and day ticket holders) like I’ve never heard or felt in my time there. Anyone else agree or disagree? It’s truly been an exceptional season IMO.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Vibe at Whiteface

When you go from a lackluster year like the last, to a year where they could probably stay open until may, theres no place to be negative. The bad makes you appreciate the good
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Re: Vibe at Whiteface

In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
Highpeaksdrifter wrote
This was my 12th season as a WF regular. There has been a positive vibe amongst the customer base (both pass and day ticket holders) like I’ve never heard or felt in my time there. Anyone else agree or disagree? It’s truly been an exceptional season IMO.

now we need to carry over into summer season.  focus on mtn as a music venue.  the mtn bikers will love it!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Vibe at Whiteface

I agree everyone seems pretty happy.  I'd rate this as a solid but not great season but when you compare it last year its a big improvement.

IMO a great season is like we had in 2011 when we were skiing the slides until closing day
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Vibe at Whiteface

We would be skiing the slides this year but the guys in red got there 20 and scedaddled.  
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Re: Vibe at Whiteface

In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
Highpeaksdrifter wrote
This was my 12th season as a WF regular. There has been a positive vibe amongst the customer base (both pass and day ticket holders) like I’ve never heard or felt in my time there. Anyone else agree or disagree? It’s truly been an exceptional season IMO.
I didn't make it to WF this season -- could you explain why you think that customer feedback was exceptional: conditions, operations, etc.?
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Re: Vibe at Whiteface

In reply to this post by tjf1967
tjf1967 wrote
We would be skiing the slides this year but the guys in red got there 20 and scedaddled.  
Was not aware that was impacting getting in there

Just not that much snow.  Ma nature did not put out like in 2011

I can't blame guys in red.  Ops did great with the hand they were dealt.  Solid not great year, we need some more action from ma nature to get to great though.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Vibe at Whiteface

Coach Z wrote
tjf1967 wrote
We would be skiing the slides this year but the guys in red got there 20 and scedaddled.  
Was not aware that was impacting getting in there

Just not that much snow.  Ma nature did not put out like in 2011

I can't blame guys in red.  Ops did great with the hand they were dealt.  Solid not great year, we need some more action from ma nature to get to great though.
I was thinking the same thing, Coach Z. It seemed really bony in the Slides compared to the other times I have skied them. Surprised they opened as much as they did.