Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

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Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

Benny Profane
Nice. Sounded silky.
funny like a clown
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

Darkside Shaman
Thanks for the stoke! Earn your turns!
Gotta go to know
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

That snow looked nice. What mt. is in the backround? Never been to NH.
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

Raymo40 wrote
That snow looked nice. What mt. is in the backround? Never been to NH.
Wildcat. About 2k vert lower than the MW summit but still a 2k vert mountain itself for some perspective. Great views of Wash and the ravines, most folks who have skied there would almost certainly have Wildcat in their top three best views list for the northeast.

On the pan to the south, you can barely make out Attitash as well. Much smaller and further away.
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

ausable skier
In reply to this post by Harvey
that was hard core

really nice sounding snow
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

oh wow, that snow sounds perfect...
*~It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.~*  -Fridtjof Nansen
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote
that was hard core

really nice sounding snow
IIRC, that guy works as an Observer at the Obs. So not so hardcore in that he didn't have to hike 4k vert to get there, just had to ski right out the door and hike back up the Easties few hundred feet per run.

Still, way to get at it.
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

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cool vid..
but i have to say the conditions look real bony. Except for that small patch, the mountain is blown clean of snow. Which is typical.
I bet the conditions were better at WIldcat..

On a side note, about 15yrs ago I spent a winter weekend at the observatory. Great experience, I highly recommend it.
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

In reply to this post by riverc0il
riverc0il wrote
Raymo40 wrote
That snow looked nice. What mt. is in the backround? Never been to NH.
Wildcat. About 2k vert lower than the MW summit but still a 2k vert mountain itself for some perspective. Great views of Wash and the ravines, most folks who have skied there would almost certainly have Wildcat in their top three best views list for the northeast.

On the pan to the south, you can barely make out Attitash as well. Much smaller and further away.
I skied Wildcat for the first time last April, the view reminded me of Taos. What a view to ski to all day! Tux was mobbed, I thought I'd be able to see the skiers from Wildcat, but they were too far away. I did ski the snowfields during T4T's Slackfest, Memorial Day Weekend, there was only about one hundred yards of skiable snow left, fun none the less.

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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

Thanks.  Wildcat looks pretty nice. Maybe someday I'll get there.    
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

Benny Profane
Cornhead wrote
riverc0il wrote
Raymo40 wrote
That snow looked nice. What mt. is in the backround? Never been to NH.
Wildcat. About 2k vert lower than the MW summit but still a 2k vert mountain itself for some perspective. Great views of Wash and the ravines, most folks who have skied there would almost certainly have Wildcat in their top three best views list for the northeast.

On the pan to the south, you can barely make out Attitash as well. Much smaller and further away.
I skied Wildcat for the first time last April, the view reminded me of Taos. What a view to ski to all day! Tux was mobbed, I thought I'd be able to see the skiers from Wildcat, but they were too far away. I did ski the snowfields during T4T's Slackfest, Memorial Day Weekend, there was only about one hundred yards of skiable snow left, fun none the less.

Nice. A very special place.
funny like a clown
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

In reply to this post by Raymo40
Raymo40 wrote
Thanks.  Wildcat looks pretty nice. Maybe someday I'll get there.
  I had a great time there, it is a long way from home, Binghamton NY. Real nice vibe, old lodge, no condos, high speed quad to the summit, and that spectacular view. I did a four day trip Easter Weekend, Wildcat, Sunday River, and Sugarloaf.  I didn't plan on skiing Sunday River, didn't know I'd be driving right by it. Actually passed it, turned around to check it out. Someone sold me a ticket for $20, and found out lift tickets were free the following day, Easter Sunday, their last day. All in all I skied four days at three resorts for $104, I spent $130 in gas to get there and back. I drove by Saddleback on my way home, that looks like a fun mountain. Also passed by the Balsams resort, reminded me of "The Shining".

   I'd love to hit some of these places mid season, but they are so far away, there are so many other options closer to home. I've made the trip the last two Springs, when nothing else is open. Sugarloaf is a lot of fun in the Spring. Last year the backside was even open in April. New to me last season, Wildcat, Sunday River, Burke, and Plattekill. I'll be receiving a weekday pass to Sugarbush via the Warren Miller movie in two weeks, never been there, heard good things about it. Looking forward to skiing there. Hope we get as much snow as we've gotten rain this year. We've had two 500yr floods in the last five years, depressing as hell.

Good cover, for late April. Snowed six inches the following day.
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

Sounds like a great job to have... ski Tux on your lunch hour.

I don't know about "bony."  Looks like the best skiing in the east right now.  How often do skiers get turn on MTW in October? Is that common? I was under the impression that the season started later up there.

Great pics and tales Cornhead. Sounds like you had a great season last year and a good one planned for this year.

Thanks for posting.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

Benny Profane
"How often do skiers get turn on MTW in October? Is that common? I was under the impression that the season started later up there."

Um, yeah. Like, April.

BTW, this thread is making my insides twist. I could get a job in Franconia tomorrow if I wish, and have all this, but, I don't want the isolation otherwise.
funny like a clown
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

Sugerbush is a great mt. We did a vacation there a few times. Be sure to check out mt ellen or Sugerbush north. Just up the road is Mad River. If there is snow go ride the single chair. Then there is Bolton Valley old style twisty trails and a ton of fun.
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Benny Profane wrote
Um, yeah. Like, April.
The season on Washington starts as soon as there is enough snow. April is just when most people show up. Myself included. But all aspects of Washington are skied from early season straight through the winter.

Harv, it all depends on which way the wind is blowing when it storms. Total snowfall often doesn't matter as much as where the wind puts it since it settles unevenly. I don't recall seeing many legit October TRs (i.e. not sliding 2" on the auto road). But seems like there is almost always a report of first turns by November most years.
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Re: Video from Mt Washington: 10/31/11

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I knew guys like Icelantic (Rog) skied mostly through the winter, but for some reason I'd thought that he'd said somewhere that December was usually when he got up there regularly.

In the TR that went with the video at the beginning of this post, the OP said that he found 200 vert to ski which was "not bad for October," so I guess that really is the answer.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp