Vintage find

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Vintage find

I was on my way to a listing appointment today and drove past these laying next to a garbage pile.  After driving about .25 I convinced myself to turn around and check out these old wooden skis.

To my surprise they were in decent shape.  Does anyone know about these things?  Google told me they're really made in Maine, the company went bankrupt in '89?

I can't image that they're all that old- with the metal bindings and all..

Not bad for a dumpster dive on a 80* day.

The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Vintage find

Good pick. Nice old skis. I like the golden color with the red trim. I have heard of Paris skis somewhere. Bindings look like early release type. I have some old wood skis none that nice thou.
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Re: Vintage find

Telemark Dave
Nice pick indeed.  

You did well by second guessing and turning back to grab them.  
Some times you win......

"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: Vintage find

Sick Bird Rider
In reply to this post by Chris
Very cool find, Chris. Definitely worth turning around for. How could someone even contemplate putting such classics in the trash? Some people have no soul.

I'd guess 1950s vintage, more by the bindings than skis. The skis are beauties and a quick search reveals that the Dovre binding company has a colourful history:

Must have been a fun place to work at:
"Entering the building a visitor was faced with an inner door on which a sign warned "Keep the hell our of here -- office is upstairs."  Up one flight a second sign ordered "Keep the hell out of here too -- office is on the third floor."  Upon reaching the third floor office, the employee lounge offered a menu which included not only coffee, but also beer on tap and Virginia ham.  And the work schedule was flexible enough that when it snowed, owners and employees together dropped their work and headed out of the plant to ski."

Scroll though the skis on the page linked below, you will see similar stuff:

Some info on the Paris Manufacturing Company:
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Re: Vintage find

Very cool---you should make one of these.

this one is in my office, i have 2 more at home