WF 2/22/12

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WF 2/22/12

OMG!! OMG!!  It's on like Donkey Kong!

Up to Mid - 4 inches
Mid to 1900' 4-6 inches
1900' - 2200' 8-10 inches!

Was on Dawn Patrol and had to leave after two great ones on Mac.  No first had account above 2200 Road for me but I'm hearing upwards of 16-20 above 3000'

And it was an awesome skiing snow!!

More on the way!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: WF 2/22/12

How bout a picture or two:)

Yes I want you to make me jealous.
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Re: WF 2/22/12

Actually a couple pics were taken along w/ a HD video.  My man is still at the mtn.  Said the vid was too big for his smart phone to send...

I'll post up when I receive.  And I have no fear of Noah John!  He's just adding some "color".  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: WF 2/22/12

ScottyJack wrote
Actually a couple pics were taken along w/ a HD video.  My man is still at the mtn.  Said the vid was too big for his smart phone to send...

I'll post up when I receive.  And I have no fear of Noah John!  He's just adding some "color".

I checked out the pix on FB, not being able to ski they actually made me smile...only for a second tho then I went back to being grumpy about my friggin knee
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Re: WF 2/22/12

Did you go to work with day old p in the c
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Re: WF 2/22/12 (Warning: Self Obsessed Photos Attached)

In reply to this post by Danzilla
Danzilla wrote
How bout a picture or two:)

Yes I want you to make me jealous.
Here's a few from today ...

Upper Northway at about 8:45 this AM

Cloudspin ... That guy down there looks familiar!!!


Cloudsplitter Glades

Skiing powder all morning is tiring!

It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: WF 2/22/12 (Warning: SOPA)


Since everything on the internet has to be an acronymn .... let's go with SOPA.

Or even better I could just add the warning to the TR Forum at the top and save us the trouble.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: WF 2/22/12 (Warning: SOPA)

Harvey44 wrote
Since everything on the internet has to be an acronymn .... let's go with SOPA.

Or even better I could just add the warning to the TR Forum at the top and save us the trouble.

It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: WF 2/22/12 (Warning: SOPA)

wow looks great!!

hunter was great today too, but in a different way. perfect spring conditions..

next couple of days are going to rock up at wf
"Peace and Love"
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Re: WF 2/22/12 (Warning: SOPA)

I know I was just posting the other day looking for a deal and I hate to be that guy, but tbatt and I are headed up to Whiteface tomorrow because it looks too good to pass up... but I forgot its still the holiday week.  I'd love to not pay full price tomorrow, so if anyone's got a hookup either around Saratoga or can meet me at Whiteface tomorrow AM, please let me know.  I have a voucher that's good any NON-holiday to trade if that helps at all.
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Re: WF 2/22/12

In reply to this post by Danzilla
Danzilla wrote
How bout a picture or two:)

Yes I want you to make me jealous.
That did the trick.  Best inbounds conditions I've seen all year - including my trip to Utah.  I am happy for you self indulgant bastards.  As I sit here behind my computer screen I feel small and insignificant.  

 Hope it keeps up for yah today and tomorrow.  I'm not back in the mountains until the weekend of 3/9-3/11.  Hoping for some more goods between now and then.
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Re: WF 2/22/12

Very nice, I think I'm headed up there to ski Sunday. Their Holiday period is a bit strange, the last day is Saturday the 25th. You'd think they would either count the whole weekend as part of the Holiday, or none of it.  I get lift tickets for $35 non-holiday, so should be good to go Sunday. $35 to ski, $120 to get there and back. I have some cheap vouchers I purchased to Plattekill, their blackout was last weekend. I think I'll hit Platty tomorrow, then drive up to Wilmington after I'm done.It'll be nice not to have to leave the house at 4am to get to WF at opening. Hope the winds die down by Sunday.