WF Freeway lift rumor

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WF Freeway lift rumor

ausable skier
I heard that Orda asked NYSEF to pay for running the Freeway Lift (Lift i).  I heard this from several folks but no one had any idea of the money involved but it was said to be significant in the thousands $

If Nysef did not agree to pay then this lift would not be used this season. I'm not sure if the lift will still be made available to the public then when it does run.

This lift if the most protected from the wind on WF and is critical for skiing during storms.  Many days only the Bear and this lift will run when its windy and frequently the day after a storm that is the case.

Its also a great way to avoid crowds on busy weekends

It has not yet run this season but the terrian it serves has only been open for about a week now and drapers is just coming on line.  With the Hovey race this weekend it would normally be running so we'll soon see what happens.

anyone else heard anything about this?  Harv maybe you can confirm this with WF
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Re: WF Freeway lift rumor

ausable skier wrote
anyone else heard anything about this?  Harv maybe you can confirm this with WF
I got this response:

"Harvey: This is not true."
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: WF Freeway lift rumor

My original note to B was forwarded to Jon L and his response was above. Just got more detail from B:
"We have always operated the freeway lift for races, on windy days or extremely busy days.
NYSEF was interested in having the lift available for training during the week, so we have an agreement to operate it certain days (when we normally would not staff the lift) at a cost to NYSEF.
This agreement was in place last year, and it actually makes the lift available to the public more often, since we do not exclude the public when it is being operated for training.
Hope this clears it up….skiing is great, come and see us!"
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: WF Freeway lift rumor

In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote
I heard that Orda asked NYSEF to pay for running the Freeway Lift (Lift i).  I heard this from several folks but no one had any idea of the money involved but it was said to be significant in the thousands $
Do you have any other unsubstantiated scuttlebutt to run by us?
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Re: WF Freeway lift rumor

Banned User
In reply to this post by Harvey
See, now that's a completely reasonable solution to an issue. It seems to be a win/win for all. Well done says I.

Thanks for the tidbit, Aussie.
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Re: WF Freeway lift rumor

ausable skier
Thanks Harv for getting the straight scoop on this

Sounds like Nysef went to Orda not the other way around as i had heard it.  Sounds like a good deal for everyone.
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