WF lifts and wind

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Re: WF lifts and wind

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Highpeaksdrifter wrote
That woud be great, I can't wait for that to happen. When it is all done I think the Lookout Pod might rival the Summit when the Slides are not open...(don't throw verbal punches at me) I'm just sayin maybe.
I tend to agree w/ you on that one.  The new trail will only be 80 feet wide and its a narrow, twisty trail through a sweet section of woods.  Gonna be sweet!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: WF lifts and wind

In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
Highpeaksdrifter wrote
ausable skier wrote
 It was about a 45+ min line.  
As ADK Jeff said, it was 20 minutes at the most. Maybe you took a wrong turn in the corral and got lost.

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Re: WF lifts and wind

I, too, have been affected by WF's superior wind strength this year in half of my ski days there. Dare I say edge to gore?
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Re: WF lifts and wind

Welcome back AS.
There are more cons than pros in combining those 2 lifts.
1. Too long (maybe 6000 ft) to be a fixed grip in today's world. Nobody really wants to install a lift with a 15 minute ride.
2. No green off the top of Freeway means problems for green and blue skiers who might not get off at the midstation.
3. Will run too fast for green skiers getting on and off.
4. Money

It would be great to get to the top of Freeway from the base, but it really does not work.

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Re: WF lifts and wind

MC2 5678F589
Detachable quad with midstation solves all of those issues (except for that small little money thing).

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Re: WF lifts and wind

mattchuck2 wrote
Detachable quad with midstation solves all of those issues (except for that small little money thing).

Yeah that small money thing and all the clueless beginners and intermediates who end up at the top of Freeway with nowhere to go. Just replace Freeway with a HSQ. That would be 1500 vertical feet of some monster high speed cruising. You could also get rid of the mountain run double.
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Re: WF lifts and wind

Some of the suggestions thrown around here seem pretty good. I'm not sure what they have to do but agreed something has to be done about wind holds was there on the 30th when everything was on wind hold and the line of holiday crowds getting vouchers was wrapped around the cafeteria, probably 500 people in all. They can't afford to give that many vouchers out, and also now people go home and tell their friends how horrible whiteface was and to never go there. Whiteface probably is most affected by wind of any ski area on the east coast, and that's something that needs to change. If I was running the place and had the $$$ to put in a new lift I would either replace Bear and Freeway with a HSQ with midstation, or a low to the ground fixed grip lift(maybe move freeway to there and put in a HSQ for freeway?) to midstation from the base, to get to the base of Mountain Run/Little Whiteface lift which often can spin in wind. Also a while ago there was a proposal to cut an intermediate trail from the top of mountain run down to freeway midstation, and I belive that they still have the mileage to do that after Lookout is complete(this hypothetical trail would max it out I belive).

Overall, not sure what needs to be done, but, something has to be done for sure, since what happened over the christmas week is going to leave bad tastes in alot of peoples mouths, and it's not something that should be happening.

ORDA and New England Passholder. If it's fast, it's probably fun.
2014-2015 season days
Whiteface: 2
Sunday River: 4
Loon: 2
Hunter: 1
Belleayre: 1
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Re: WF lifts and wind

Not sure a fixed grip would help solve the problem. When I lived at Smuggs M1 would be on wind hold all the time, was pretty common. Let's face it, WF is a big exposed mountain and MaNatch will do what she wants and there aint nothing anyone can do about it.
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Re: WF lifts and wind

True, I think that the replacement of freeway is a better solution than the midstation idea just pointing it out as potential. On wind hold days the long lines are not on the mountain they are at base waiting to get on the mountain. Even on the 30th Freeway was only 5 min and mountain run was ski on it was the 20 minutes at bear that was the problem. Even replacing bear with a used fixed grip quad or another double next to it might help.

ORDA and New England Passholder. If it's fast, it's probably fun.
2014-2015 season days
Whiteface: 2
Sunday River: 4
Loon: 2
Hunter: 1
Belleayre: 1
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Re: WF lifts and wind

Noah John
In reply to this post by ausable skier
ausable skier wrote
I've been staying away but this issue requires someone to bring it up - Aussie to the rescue

Mother nature must really hate WF.  On key holiday weekends the wind seems to blow with the specific purpose to drive loyal WF's skiers crazy.    Twice during xmas week and now MLK.  Can't wait to see what Ma Nature has in mind for us for President's Day.

In case you missed the longest lift line in the history of WF the lift line on Sunday for the Facelift wrapped around its self several times and ran almost all the way back to Boreen.  It was about a 45+ min line.  For some unknown reason the Bear Chair was not running.  If the quad can run Bear should be running.  Is there something wrong with that lift or is its specs such that it has a lower max wind speed than the Facelift?

I walked up to Freeway / I / 7 that was running instead of waiting in the Disney style line at the Facelift.

WF needs to put a long term plan in place to fix this all too common issue.  If the Bear lift is too old then that needs to get replaced.  Freeway / I / 7 also is very old and soon will need replacement.  How about a fixed grip quad with a mid station that would replace them both?  You could put a new lift slighly to the lookers left of Bear on the same lift line as the I chair and have a mid station for the lower level skiers.  WF badly needs this capacity out of the base area for busy times and windy days.  This has become a critical situation and needs to be addressed.

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Re: WF lifts and wind

Noah John wrote

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Re: WF lifts and wind

In reply to this post by Noah John
i burst out loud
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: WF lifts and wind

In reply to this post by Noah John
Good stuff right there Noah---where the heck U been???/ U went all  on us
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Re: WF lifts and wind

70s Gore Kid
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Syracuse, NY
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Re: WF lifts and wind

70s Gore Kid wrote
And someone tell me again ...
So wait... Kid... are you telling me you don't understand passion for a mountain with tons of character and a few quirks?

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: WF lifts and wind

In reply to this post by 70s Gore Kid
70s Gore Kid wrote
And someone tell me again why Whiteface is such a great mountain?

Again, Whiteface is a superior mountain why?

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Re: WF lifts and wind

Campi with the knock out punch.  That pic sais it all.  
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Re: WF lifts and wind

In reply to this post by 70s Gore Kid
70s Gore Kid wrote
And someone tell me again why Whiteface is such a great mountain?
if you have to ask, well maybe its just not for you...    
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: WF lifts and wind

oh my - I sense another Whiteface / Gore Battle Royale brewing
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: WF lifts and wind

70s Gore Kid
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Syracuse, NY