How is it that every thread ends up back at Greek Peak?
In reply to this post by I:)skiing
I've thought about this a lot. If I wasn't an hour away, I'd be all over it. Hop on a sled in the morning, cruise all over the mountain, take some pics, take some measurements, and make a real update in the morning. Not just posting the NOAA forecast as what actually fell, before the storm even comes in. |
Banned User
In reply to this post by frosty
" Atten: Azzclowns "...." Greek "...... You're right Frosty. They are always sneeking in the back door. Don't drop the soap. |
OK. I'll eat a big dose of CROW this morning. They had an update on the main page/snow report reporting 10 inches overnight. Also an update on the FB page this morning at 6AM saying that they will open the Hudson Chair tomorrow AND an update with snow total at 7AM. Well done.
This thread also got me looking at the podcasts which I never used to check because they were so erratic. It looks like Em has been doing them almost everyday at the end of the day which is great. For instance she noted yesterday that they would be running the darkside chair every day through the weekend. Guess I'll have to check the podcasts more often. Would be nice if they posted the upcoming weekday anticipated lift schedule on the site on say Sunday afternoon so that weekday people could plan accordingly. |
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Go stick your head in the freezer ![]() |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Danzilla
Well, it's very possible this thread prompted that turn about. OR maybe the batteries for Auntie Em's crystal ball died and she had to resort to more conventional methods. |
Banned User
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Sorry. What you do at camp is your business. |
This one time..... |
I love Gore...
But when something is so obviously wrong (read out of sync) you have to let those you love, Know it. "Hey, hun, your zipper is down, you have broccoli in your teeth"..etc. A legitimate report would cost nothing if it was set as "an expectation" The snow report is in line with the Web cams and Weather report. As I am dressing a 6yr old, I want to know the temps at the top of the mountain and wind speed. At the bottom there may be no wind. Should I add an extra layer or not? As someone aptly noted, this is a real mountain that charges real prices. Real mountains have real weather. Today's instrumentation (I know Gore has it...) is cheep and easy to read. It just needs to be put where its customer's can find it, easily. Can I do without it? ...yep. Just add the second layer and come back to the bottom if its too hot. Starbucks could also do without a credit card machine and just take cash. They would save 4% card fees. They opt for customer service and convienence, whcih brings more customers--read higher revenue and profits. At a very tiny hill down south, they not only have 5 web cams, an updated (5am) snow report (which rarely changes), but they ALSO send a Marketing rep out for a run in the morning with a Go Pro video camera. You can't lie about real conditions in real time. The video is normally uploaded before the lifts are open to the public. Maybe I use it in my decision making to ski that day, maybe I dont...but in any event, it raises my stoke for skiing. Teens started following it to see which run will be showcased, or who might be interviewed, what song is on the soundtrack. Is the employee paid anything extra to do this? Nope.... he does it for the fun of it and getting a first run. The video gets 100s and somedays 1000s of hits. Here is a clue: Your 18yr old employee does not have to be at the mountain to write up the conditions report. He/She only needs a computer and an email from the supervisor of snow making/grooming at 4:45. But maybe that is not in the union contract. (Ok that was a unfair jab) Rather, that supervisor would likely be PROUD of sending his/her report as a scorecard of the team's work that night. Win-Win. Side note: They are doing an excellent job for the winter we have had. NEXT: Let your customers "Subscribe" to the conditions report. Most have smart phones. Get a Gore App. The writer will then get motivated to add "color" to the report, more readers, more fun, the better the quality. I think Gore's idea of letting the public post photos of the day is a great idea. However when no one does this...why isn't a Marketing employee 'charged' with the "expectation" of making sure a new photo is uploaded DAILY. It is photo of the day.....Right? I bet there is a digital camera lying around....but then there is a contract thing again.. ;) Rant and my lunch break...over. |
I:-)skiing.....I agree 100%!!! In today's world with the technology available the stuff you described is easy to do, the only thing required is the desire and discipline to do it. Can we survive without it? Sure. But if it's readily available/easy to do then why should we? I ski Gore because I love the mountain and it's close to home. The crews there have done a great job with a crappy season. BUT that doesn't mean that they can't provide a better service. We've been hearing for years now how we live in the information age, time for Gore to get on board. Will their lack of quality conditions reports stop me from going? No, I'll be there first thing tomorrow morning but there have been times and I am sure there will be again when I choose another mountain for the day based on the info I have to work with.
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Well, it's very possible this thread prompted that turn about. OR maybe the batteries for Auntie Em's crystal ball died and she had to resort to more conventional methods. Let's hope it's the former ![]()
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
In reply to this post by tBatt
Although that WOULD be awesome I don't think it would be necessary. Patrol could FAX the early morning trail report (the one that you see posted in various places around the base lodge) to you or said 18 year old intern or other appointed person. Time is usually around 6AM. You don't even need a fax machine - just a free EFAX account. Said person could then update the online report with the conditions. If that is too much work, why not just post the PDF of the early morning report? I could figure out how to write a script to make that happen. Scan or FAX and post to the site the REAL DEAL hand written report from Patrol. They post it around the mountain. Why not post it to the site every morning? That would be a marketing opportunity. I don't think anyone else does such a thing. |
People still fax?
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
Now that I think of it - Gore faxes out their snow report to any of their lodging partners who sign up for it. Anyone have an idea of when that goes out in the morning? I believe it is a copy of the Patrol report. We contemplated doing it, but our house isn't always rented so I didn't want to have a bunch of paper pile up for no good reason. You have to have a fax on everyday to sign up - their fax machine will keep calling you if your machine doesn't pick up. SO, they could just add an EFAX number to the distribution for the intern. Hmmm. I have an EFAX number. |
I would request an 8" floppy disc.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"