Since I don't have internet at my cabin near Gore, I'm at the mercy of the phone report. We got up very early on Saturday with thoughts of going to Whiteface. Their 5:30 a.m. snow report alerted us to the high winds and the amount of new snowfall, which didn't seem more than what we saw falling at our cabin throughout the day on Friday. We get what the base gets, and we just knew there was more at the top.
Gore's report, usually done by Emily some time after the lifts close, is never updated in the morning, even when she says to check back for updates. We made the right choice going to Gore on Saturday (no thanks at all to the Gore snow report) and hit a lot of fresh pow (FINALLY!!) early in the morning. We also rode the gondi with two young 'uns who just came down from Whiteface with tales of almost nothing open because of the wind. Why can't Gore be more current with their snow report? ![]() If Whiteface did the same thing as Gore, we might have gone to Whiteface on Saturday and wouldn't have been happy.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
My only response is..... state owned facilities. Pathetic.. simply no excuse. The was 5 yrs ago,but no more. Any 18 yr old could be tagged with this responsibility and love it. sad to say that upper management has state employee vision and mindset.
But Whiteface knows how to do it.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
Banned User
Banned User
Wonder where the Gore apologetics are, bemoaning this simple, legitimate complaint as outright Gore bashing.
Oh the humanity! ![]() |
In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
The issue is very localized. Just like sometimes there is more snow on the left side of a trail than the right.
In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
Yup, I agree Sponge. The Gore snow report needs to be updated in a more timely manner. It's fine to post expected conditions the day before, but it really needs to be updated early in the morning, particularly when we have changing conditions and evolving weather. Webcam would be nice too - not that I really use 'em, but every other ski area seems to have one (or several).
I agree, when it comes to things like snow reports the ORDA facilities leave much to be desired. I do NOT blame the employees as most do their jobs and do them very well. I blame this on management and the fact that as state run facilities they have no clue as to how to serve their customers. I'm sorry for such a blunt statement but it's the only explanation I have for the difference between how Gore and Whiteface provide this information versus privately owned mountains. It's sad that they are viewed as nothing more than a source of revenue to the tax base by a bunch of politicians who have no concept of what the skiing culture is let allow what a mountain looks like. Obviously all ski resorts are out there to make money but at least most of them understand the needs of their customers. If those clowns in Albany had a clue they could both serve us better AND add to their precious revenue.
In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
i dont really pay much attention to ski reports , im going anyway so ill find it out on the hill
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
Have two avocations that are weather dependent and hear similar complaints on the fishing forum I frequent. A point there is well-made and translatable to skiing, "Can't catch 'em if you're not fishing!" Same holds true for skiing! Can't ski if you're not there!
lots of fail in this lame thread.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
I guess there are other similarities between this forum and that fishing forum! |
Ski area snow reports, does anyone actually beleive any of them? ever? Just use the tried and true formula, Snow totals should be divided by a minimum of 2 and trail counts divided by a minimum of 3.
But how do you apply that to a nonexistent report |
In reply to this post by freeheeln
This applies to us as well since we have a place in the area. However, if I lived in the Capital Region and woke up at 5AM or 6AM on a Saturday morning trying to figure out where I was going to go I would turn right instead of left if I was looking at a report that was updated at 4pm the day before. Reports everywhere may be inflated but if I were making a game day decision (as many day trippers do) I would want updated info in the AM - especially if WIND/NCP/A FOOT OF NEW POWDER are in the equation. |
Whiteface nails the snow report. They provide current temps at the base mid and summit and current winds. I just looked at it and it was updated 1 minute ago (10:50am). A quick internet tour shows this is true of Hunter, Windham, Belleayre, Plattekill, Mt Snow, Stratton, Okemo, Killington, and Sugarbush. I am sure most other ski areas provide current weather and a web cam and morning updates for the mountain.
The Gore report is a complete failure. The lack of web cam and current temps is a complete failure. The idea that a snow report delivered at 4pm the previous day goes to a lack of customer service. Both Mike and Emily are responsible. This has been going on for years. Gore is not some local hill charging $40 for lift lickets anymore. The prices are right in line with the major areas in Vermont. Too bad they cannot provide this simple service that matches almost every major ski area in the East. |
In reply to this post by Danzilla
X-Man. I concur with the WF comment. They are pretty spot on AND provide constant Facebook updates - usually multiple updates each day not one or two each week. EDIT: I would turn right (or drive another hour north and turn left) instead of left if I was looking at a report that was updated at 4pm the day before.
Man, some of you guys are pretty tough on Gore...check out Greeks social media ifin you want a good laugh
had a few chats with their guy kevin a few weekends ago - times is tuff when your doing social media, driving shuttle, bussing tables, ski sscool etc. etc.... my pint (haha fruedian typo) to him was that the 2 minutes it takes to post a little daily weather and snow stoke in addition to the spa special is time well spent ![]() |
It is time well spent. Last snow we got GP never metioned it anywhere until a day and a half after the storm. I'd say more so this winter than any, whenver we get snow they need to let people know about it........but they don't. They're spread pretty thin this year. My understanding is people from food & bev, tickets, rental & repair are being called in to turn down bed in the hotel b/c they can't afford houskeeping anymore this year. Guess losing a 30 million dallar loan will do that....hope they can hold on |