WROD 12/25/11 Greek Peak

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Re: WROD 12/25/11 Greek Peak

campgottagopee wrote
I'll keep and eye out for chick rippers
There aren't many at Greek Peak. The overall level of skier there is pretty low. I may go out there tomorrow evening and/or Friday evening.

I'm likely the only chick on skis fatter than 100mm under foot. Usually ski the green Line Prophets unless it is deep day and then I'll break out the Volkl Gotamas. If it is chilly I would be wearing my black parka and acid green helmet. I often get cold there because the lift rides are so long and the runs are short and don't require enough effort to warm me up. If it is not chilly I may be wearing a pink/black patterned jacket with a black helmet...I wore this twice at Greek Peak in the last couple of weeks when it was above 40 degrees. I don't ski super fast, but I like to make nice carved turns. I am sometimes seen on telemark gear (though a rare occasion these days, since I sold my tele gear). Lock the heel, ski for real!
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Re: WROD 12/25/11 Greek Peak

Powderqueen wrote
campgottagopee wrote
I'll keep and eye out for chick rippers
There aren't many at Greek Peak. The overall level of skier there is pretty low. I may go out there tomorrow evening and/or Friday evening.

I'm likely the only chick on skis fatter than 100mm under foot. Usually ski the green Line Prophets unless it is deep day and then I'll break out the Volkl Gotamas. If it is chilly I would be wearing my black parka and acid green helmet. I often get cold there because the lift rides are so long and the runs are short and don't require enough effort to warm me up. If it is not chilly I may be wearing a pink/black patterned jacket with a black helmet...I wore this twice at Greek Peak in the last couple of weeks when it was above 40 degrees. I don't ski super fast, but I like to make nice carved turns. I am sometimes seen on telemark gear (though a rare occasion these days, since I sold my tele gear). Lock the heel, ski for real!
Got it...I'll keep an eye out

We're the early crew...ski from first chair till it gets crowded (1ish) then you can find us in the bar