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Re: Waffles

evergreen wrote
Yes lets have a subpar customer service experience and settle for lowering the bar.  Why not close half the mountain during the week and the crossover at 3:30, and keep the old lifts a few more years.  Keep your ambitions low and let the $ flow to VT.
Great, another ausable negative skier.  wow.
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Re: Waffles

I think the money has been flowing to Gore pretty well this year(not bad for substandard service)...and I really like the new bathrooms in the bar...
 you know that if they served waffles in the bar, you might be able to use those bathrooms before 11am...12 on Sundays

I like Gore and it's employees from the parking dudes to the snow makers and everyone in between...It is your choice to ski wherever you want...if you don't like it go somewhere else.  I'm with Benny, waffles are nice but I'll stick with BEER
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
I'll be back
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Re: Waffles

Noah John
In reply to this post by evergreen
evergreen wrote
Yes lets have a subpar customer service experience and settle for lowering the bar.  Why not close half the mountain during the week and the crossover at 3:30, and keep the old lifts a few more years.  Keep your ambitions low and let the $ flow to VT.

Dude, you're changing the subject.  We were talking about the parking lot guys, not all the rest of that junk you're bringing up now.

There's real and constructive criticism and then there's just pointless whining about chicken shit stuff. You're a whiner.  Own it.
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Re: Waffles

outlaw 1
damm,no waffle house,and grumpy pl guys,guess i wont b going to gore,oh wait i was there today and the skiing was awsome,never mind.

plus you gotta fell kinda bad for those guys,having too deal with all the a-holes..
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Re: Waffles

In reply to this post by evergreen
evergreen wrote
Yes lets have a subpar customer service experience and settle for lowering the bar.  Why not close half the mountain during the week and the crossover at 3:30, and keep the old lifts a few more years.  Keep your ambitions low and let the $ flow to VT.
Hmmm, Gore had several days of record ticket sales this year and on Pres weekend there was not a parking place to be found - all that and very manageable lift lines, they must be doing something right. Whenever I am riding the Gondi and speak to a Gore first timer - the response I always get is that Gore is a hidden treasure and they will be back for more. I am sorry Gore doesn't meet your expectations, but most of us don't come to Gore for Waffles, new lifts or carismatic parking lot attendents, we come for the skiing.
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Re: Waffles

In reply to this post by outlaw 1
see you tomorrow. i ll pick up some eggo s buttermilk or blueberry? warm them up at the saddle
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Waffles

witch hobble
Old lift 8 mid station -> waffle shack!
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Re: Waffles

In reply to this post by outlaw 1
outlaw 1 wrote
damm,no waffle house,and grumpy pl guys,guess i wont b going to gore,oh wait i was there today and the skiing was awsome,never mind.

plus you gotta fell kinda bad for those guys,having too deal with all the a-holes..
The parking bus drivers get an earful too.  Then you have all the people who double park on the end of every row and would probably try to sue the mountain if one of those buses side swiped them coming around a corner.  Are there some things the mountain could do better?  Of course.  But most of the people I know who work there are good people who care about the mountain and what they do and I think all in all they put out a pretty damn good product - and not for a state run ski area but for any ski area.

I do think they could readjust some of the traffic flow as the really busy weekends have been a little wacky.  Maybe routing the premium parking people down one of the rows at the entrance to the main lot so they don't have to drive all the way around where everyone is dropping off before they get to the pay shack.  That ends up causing more traffic/backups near the drop off than is needed.  Even though I like having no traffic at the bowl they ought to get a sign out there at the turn to peaceful valley road that says the bowl is open when it is.  Most people have no idea its even there much less whether its open.  I think they have to do something along those lines to divert people there and get people starting at the bowl.  They need to do full rentals down there too (I think they did at some point).  Killington used to have a lodge like that way on the east side.  I forget the name of it - lots of nice green terrain over there.  Sun something or rather.  Ended up turning it all into snowmobile trails.

I don't know how anyone could bitch about old lifts at gore.  Some of them are slow yes but the only really old lifts are the sunway chair and the high peaks chair.  Would you rather they have replaced those two and not done the burnt ridge or ski bowl expansion (and interconnect you speak of)???  Lets see.  Since 99 theres a new gondola, topridge,village chair, burnt ridge, hudson chair.  All that additional terrain.  The place has pretty much doubled since 99.  This is my eighth season and every year the place has gotten noticeably better across the board.  Not every resort in vermont has high speed lifts everywhere.  At least not the ones I want to visit.  

How ya like them waffles?
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Re: Waffles

I also like slow chairs. What's the rush?  I'm going to miss the High Peaks Chair at Gore when it's gone.

Every system has a limit. Something is going to be crowded.

Pick one or maybe two:

Crowded Parking Lots
Crowded Lift Corals
Crowded Lodges
Crowded Trails

I really like the lifties at Gore Mountain. Actually at most mountains. Imagine having to make eye contact with 5000 people a day, and then smiling each time. I like the CenterPlate ladies too.

This DUDE rocks:

Bob The Sunway Guy
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Waffles

In reply to this post by Danzilla
Love them waffles...except where you tell people to go to the bowl...keep "them" at the main mountain.  I like showing up at 10:45 pm on a busy Saturday morning and parking next to the lift...especially when the glades are skiable
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
I'll be back
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Re: Waffles

In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
evergreen wrote
It's the parking guys you first meet that are unfriendly. They wave everybody into a lot without any obvious choice to go to drop off or premium lot. So as a result everyone has to stop and have a discussion and it slows down the whole access road.

Sometimes I think people are just looking for things to complain about and when they can't find any they just start making shit up.

Those attendants are out there very early, in the cold for very little pay, making sure that the parking lots get filled to maximum capacity and still allow for cars to leave or otherwise maneuver.  If they didn't, you'd be bitching about that.  I'm sorry you had to tap your breaks to accomodate them; next time leave your house 40 seconds earlier.  

And just how "friendly" do you need them to be anyway?  You're the one going to have a day filled with fun (if you don't get too pissed because the lifty didn't smile at you); they're the ones making minimum wage standing in a parking lot in cold boots.  Grow up.
Man that was funny.  LMAO

I skied Gore last time I was in Lake Placid.  I actually had seen a pretty funny incident on the bus.  I guess two lines were forming in Parking lot E for the bus.  The bus picks up us first and the guy from the next line comes over and starts talking to the bus driver about him not going to his line.  They start arguing and yelling at each and I am pretty sure the bus driver was going to jump out of the bus and punch this guy in the face.  At one point he actually stood up as if to confront the guy outside.  The whole situation made me laugh my ass off.  Besides that everyone was very friendly. In the end I could not really assess Gore as the weather was terrible (-20C with 35KM/H winds).  On the way back to the car the bus driver took us straight to our car which was awesome.  I will definitely go back there again and give it another go.  That way I will be able to give it a fair chance and really compare it to Whiteface.  

As far as Whiteface goes I have not seen any surly parking attendents or bus drivers.  In fact Dennis the bus driver in Whiteface recognizes my family and friends each and every year for the past four years and always always jumps out to greet us like we are family.  On the way back to the car he always takes us right to our car.  The staff at the ticket booths are amazing as well, as are guest services.  The staff at the lifts are some of the best I have ever met at a resort.  They always have smiles on their faces and are just a pleasure.  Last time I stopped at mid-mountain and had a 20 minute conversation with one of the mtn hosts.  It was great.  I have never been treated better than at Whiteface.  

In my opinion its the best mountain in the East by a mile.  The product they put out is A+++.  

Whiteface should really hire me as an unofficial spokesman because I have literally told hundreds of people in Ontario that they need to stop going to Vermont and Quebec and go to Whiteface.  I tell them that Lake Placid is the greatest ski town in the East.  Many(most) people in Southern Ontario have never heard of it and those who have call it Iceface.  At the point my face turns red, I start screaming obscenities and tell them to go back to their 150 vertical feet "mountains".  Just kidding I explain to them the with increased grooming and improved snow making this problem is minimal at best and they should give it a try.  
PS I will work for craft beers :)

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Re: Waffles

In reply to this post by evergreen
Hi all,
we did start working with Centerplates and do have a waffle cabin in Gunstock NH and Holiday Valley NH, both Centerplate resorts.
We will talk to Gore and will keep you posted!
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Re: Waffles

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Hi, First of all, our waffles are NO small little things. Secondly I am sure that those waffles you are mentioning are delicious, but our waffles are a different kind of waffles, you don't need any of the toppings that you mentioned, the main difference is that our waffles are made with dough, not a batter, they are a snack item, not a breakfast item. And putting all those toppings on would not be convenient in ski resorts.
When you have the chance, you should try our waffles, they are pretty good! =)
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Re: Waffles

This post was updated on .
Hey wafflecabin!  At first glance you seemed like a spammer. But for some reason I like you.

Posting privileges enabled.  We get one of your wafflehuts at Gore and it will be worth it.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Waffles

Not a spammer for sure! We are working on Gore, promised.
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Re: Waffles

that would be great
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Re: Waffles

My dream, a waffle cabin at Gore, can this be coming true?????
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Re: Waffles


Mmmmmmmm waffles
"No Falls=No Bslls
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Re: Waffles

The Belgian Kitchen
If Gore doesn't get Waffle Cabin setup for this season, I'm sure we can help Gore and Centerplace.  We can supply the dough and the ski/snowboard resort/concessionaire can keep their operations in house.  Works quite well and we've already lined up a few resorts for this season.  
The Belgian Kitchen

Liege Waffle Dough Manufacturer and Distributor Serving the NorthEast
- Buy our dough and keep your operation in house
- Authentic imported Belgian pearl sugar
- Quality all natural ingredients
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Re: Waffles

This post was updated on .
The Belgian Kitchen wrote
If Gore doesn't get Waffle Cabin setup for this season, I'm sure we can help Gore and Centerplace.  We can supply the dough and the ski/snowboard resort/concessionaire can keep their operations in house.  Works quite well and we've already lined up a few resorts for this season.
Promises, promises.

Well I guess if I enabled posting privileges for Waffle Cabin...

A slippery slope?

Let's see who can deliver the goods.

EDIT... quite the signature you got there Belgy.  May have to shut that down.  

Or you can contact our advertising department 
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp