Was this the best November ever for skiing?

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Was this the best November ever for skiing?

I got 7 days on snow in November and definately the conditions were better than any previous November that I can remember.  What do you all think?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

This past month was good. Best? No, not even close. Maybe best since 2007. A few highlights:




Two feet storm and about three feet for the month. Woof.
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

2008 had two dumps which made for early season pillaging at Plattekill.

As far as conditions go, I can't say because this was my personal worst November in years. Too busy to go skiing, and very limited terrain in southern ny. Good thing I got to take advantage of WV otherwise this season would be in the running for the worst.
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

Gunny J
In reply to this post by Z
No way not in close there has been better but you have to go back a few years.  Family comes in for Thanksgiving ,we take them skiing if its there,(less than a few hrs away) Has not been there lately but some years its available.
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

warp daddy
hell no , no even close !!! Back in the 60's and 70's we had serious snow in November not just mm wrods
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

absolutely not..
In the 70 andd 80's  Hunter used to have a large percentage of the mountain opened by  Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving weekend at Kton was a huge weekend too.
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

In reply to this post by Z
I think you need to swap out those rose colored lenses. We have had way better Novembers even within the past 10 years.
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

you sound like a lobbiest for whiteface. let's set the bar a litter higher please.
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

Well I guess I'm just happy to be on snow.  2007 was the best December ever at Whiteface that I'm sure of.

I do recall a November back in the early 90's when I worked at Killington that was pretty good.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

Benny Profane
'93 at Killington was ridiculous.
funny like a clown
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

Considering this was November of last year (and my fourth foot+ powder day of the season), I'm definitely gonna go with no on this one.

Although, I will agree that Whiteface skied really well on Friday and Saturday.
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

coach, i was a bit short with your enthusiasm. sorry. i'm just anxious to see real snow.
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

No Problem

Yesterday considerably lowered my take on how the season is / was going.  I agree I over reached on this one.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

In reply to this post by tBatt
tBatt wrote

Although, I will agree that Whiteface skied really well on Friday and Saturday.
I was one and done Friday (work...) but Sat was really good but crowded...  Yesterday was soft, bumps and empty!  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

Hey, nice pic tbatt!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

And def not best Nov ever....  Just a couple years ago we had top2bottom on Excelsior a week and a half ahead of Thanksgiving.

Way, way better than last year, that's 4sure!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

other than blower snow Essex and Vic dont ski any better than they did over the weekend.  
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Re: Was this the best November ever for skiing?

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
Thanks d00d.
Now if only we can get some conditions to get the same shot again.

ScottyJack wrote
Hey, nice pic tbatt!